
7 posts


Is Your Experience of Life Dull or Bright?

Thoughts and emotions place filters over aware presence making life seem so dull. Thus, this mind domination obscures conscious awareness. A person looks at the sky, a tree or a bird.  But, usually, what a person sees is a mind filter interpretation. Thus, a reaction or behavior within a person causes this type of stimulus to deceive and confuse. Therefore, this type of mind behavior prevents a person from realizing the true essence and actuality of any given experience. 


On the other hand, realizing your true potential as a conscious being is a useful stepping stone to enlightenment. Words, such as enlightenment and insignificant details mesmerize the mind. Hence, the mind attaches itself and your sense of being to everything you experience. But, please don’t let the mind dominate your sense of presence with insignificant details. Otherwise, these details overshadow the act of aware beingness.  This insight and our topic discussions, to illustrate, refer to conscious illumination and mind dependency liberation. You are the manifestation of one-self (presence) as an isness that has the potential to be universal through non-attachment. And, more obvious, you are the non-self (Buddhism: Anattā) of being, equally, through non-attachment. Continue reading


Patterns of Behavior and the Act of Being

Active awareness provides us with opportunities to consciously awaken. This transition is occurring in more and more people. And, letting go of strict patterns of behavior nurtures the manifestation of conscious energy. In other words, the universe is awakening to the potentials within itself through your conscious beingness. Likewise, living in conscious presence offers you harmony and fulfillment. You will see yourself, others and the world as new and brilliantly alive with opportunities. Thus, the benefit of an aware state of being becomes more and more prevalent during any given experience. Therefore, awaken to your influence on the energy within this space of is-ness, of beingness. 


Nevertheless, a conditioned mind thrives on repetition.  The mind’s behavior easily imprisons a person that lives in an unaware state of being. And, these mind patterns falsely impose duality into our experience of life. Please, just pause for a moment and consider the absurdity of the mind and its misinterpretations of living. Being is universal. Life, is a flowing energy vibration within the act of being.

Therefore, awaken to the literal power of creation that is available within your beingness. We often use home to express the essence of this universal energy. However, the birth of each person signifies a false journey that supposedly will return us home. Instead, let’s express our existence as the acknowledgement of being without significance on a beginning or end. Still, the mind’s illusions of a specific path or purpose in life overshadow how we live. This manipulates and restricts the unification between our being, the flow of life and conscious expansion. Continue reading


Universal Consciousness Awakens Through You

You are a receptacle of life. And, everything is a part of you and you of the totality. Universal life energy flows through you. Therefore, you are influencing and thus responsible for the universe. Does this sound like too much for you to handle? Well, this is happening in every moment, whether you accept being accountable for it or not. I do not wish to imply that you are to blame for what happens. Blame, judgment, fear, etc. are instruments of the mind. Furthermore, we are consciously moving beyond the limits of our conditioned behavior as we awaken to living consciously.


What this insight suggests is the sanctity of life within your state of being. This refers to your spiritual essence in the universe and has nothing to do with religion or science. Your active and consciously awakened participation, or lack of it, reflects how you observe and experience yourself in this universe. This is your responsibility to the universe and is not truly a liability per se. It indicates how unobstructed you can live when the mind no longer dominates the presence of your being. Continue reading


Life Is to Be Lived in Unity: Don’t Be Afraid

We often use the word unity in our daily activities; including spirituality. But what is beyond the word?  Stop before you start thinking about unity. This is not something to think about, define, or even assume. At least not if you wish to truly experience it.  The pure essence of the universe is unification. Living is much more than what we can think. Let’s attempt the Star Wars Jedi Knight approach. This suggests feeling the life energy in you and in everything that is around you. Moreover, please realize that you are within everything. What you experience is essentially a reflection of yourself.


Aware presence will allow you to experience harmony. The body is already flowing harmoniously with life energy. Therefore, it does not need to interpret anything.  Nor does the body need to consider what it does. It simply is. The flow of energy is constant. Your body is a catalyst. Life awareness can and will nurture this flow. A conscious state of awareness opens a portal to the isness of life. You awaken. Thus, this gateway will remain open. Henceforth, we awaken more and more to the isness of life. Furthermore, the alliance between everything becomes very clear. Thoughts and feelings of separation will still appear. But they will have no manipulative power of you. Continue reading

Trust Me and Buzz Off

The meaning of these terms is obvious. Likewise, it is clear that they are opposites. Living in a state of conscious awareness does not mean that we are to avoid human experiences. Trust me, is a solid statement. It is a bond that is based on reliability. You are willing to accept that, what a person tells you is true.


But, look out! The majority of people are sitting in a self-made movie of deception. The unconscious mind constructs it. The film is playing. They can change their role in it. But, conditioned behavior prevents clarity. Thus, a person will tell you one thing but do another. Or, not do anything after promising you to do something. Still, there are others that choose to avoid any further interaction after getting something from you. They are basically saying buzz off. Continue reading


Awaken and Enjoy the Dream

You are on a picnic. It is a lazy summer afternoon. The birds are singing. Crickets are chirping in the tall grass nearby. A breeze carries the fragrance of wild flowers and strawberries. The moment becomes an eternity. There is the soft buzz of a flying grasshopper in flight. Perhaps the joy of flying is something that all beings share. Suddenly, this buzzing becomes louder. The dream scene fades away. Awaken, the alarm clock is ringing.


The dream had seemed so real. Sadness overcomes you because it has ended. Still, it was beautiful and very tranquil. Likewise, in that moment, you feel totally rested. Therefore, you smile. Not to mention, you sense equilibrium. You sense everything. The interaction with your surroundings is similar to a dream state. How would you describe it? It is to awaken from a dream and realize you are still dreaming. Continue reading


Energy: The Sunshine of Life

What is life energy? Where does it come from? We may never know. It is a mystery that the mind can never comprehend. This poem is about sunshine. Furthermore, it is about you, me and sharing the gift of life.



I enjoy the sunshine
How about you?
However, its true significance is often forgotten.
Do you remember?
It is possible to experience it now; in this moment.
This is because you have always known that it is there.
It is life.
Awaken and allow it to shine. Continue reading