
10 posts


Life! Now Is the Time to Be You

Unawareness usually hides the beauty of life from us. Typically, we assume to be conscious throughout most of our activities. At least, this is what the mind tells us with countless thoughts and emotions. Thus, the mind uses a type of deception to convince us that we are conscious of living. This is not the actual truth. Our consciousness is a mind-made consciousness. And, this false sense of being restricts us. This is not the true consciousness of being alive.


Consciousness is awareness in a state of presence without attachment. Each person’s length and level of awareness varies. Still, the majority of people never really experience unconditional aware presence. And yet, these same individuals stand in the doorway of consciousness. But, they don’t acknowledge the significance of consciously living. Thus, most people cannot identify with the dimension of conscious beingness. Still, we often experience moments of aware presence.  Furthermore, instinctively we feel that an inner release (peaceful presence) is within our grasp. Then the world comes crashing down on us. Just as we were on the verge of letting go and jumping into the bliss of unconditionally living. Nevertheless, it is possible to realize the true essence of your beingness within aware presence. Continue reading

Calculate, Delegate and Consolidate Beyond the Mind

Are we dependent on the mind? And, does the mind have the ability to truly calculate the depth of our conscious interaction with life? Did you answer these questions with a yes? That’s fine if you did.  After all, the mind calculates. That is what it does. Therefore, the mind analyses and, in its own interest, tells you to say yes. However, let’s attempt to consciously step beyond the mind.  And, in the same moment also be aware that the mind is still there. It sounds confusing but don’t let thoughts manipulate your state of conscious being. Acknowledge that the conditional mind is like a box. Therefore, let’s use the cliché go outside the box. To illustrate conscious presence.


Indeed! How would it be to live beyond the limitations of the mind. Recognize that it is possible to consciously live and still use the mind. Imagine how it would be to fully live without the mind interfering. Continue reading

Homeward Bound Is not a Journey

You innately know the essence of this moment. And, you instinctively sense the pulsation and flow of living in this moment. But, the mind distracts this state of awareness. Nevertheless, is it accurate to say that you are a conscious being living now. Thus, you are the isness of now. This acknowledgement and acceptance allow conscious awareness to flow. Let’s use an example to illustrate. What is your state of being when you take a bath or swim? You are in water. However, how often are you deeply aware that you are in the water? Presence is the stepping stone that unites you and the water. Furthermore, this is an undeniable state of being in relation to all experiences. This realization allows your homeward journey to unfold naturally.


Living from a state of isness to this moment releases you from the mind. Accordingly, your partnership with the mind will improve. Thus, you more efficiently use the mind to understand existential experiences. The mind’s domination over your life experience will lessen. Hence, you will focus on conscious awareness and the manifestation of this moment. There is no need for magic, science or religion to be presence and live in the isness of now. It is literally as easy as standing in front of a mirror and to deeply accept your beingness. This is a transcendence experience within the totality of presence. And, this is your true home. Continue reading


The Mountaintop Is Your True Home

Acknowledge that you live on a mountaintop. Let’s reflect on this insight before the mind contaminates the scenery with too many thoughts. You stand with your face to the sun. Furthermore, the sun is always shining at the top of the mountain. A breeze caresses your face.


Occasionally birds fly about and visit you. They sing a song of life and living. It seems you are alone here on the mountaintop. However, you are never truly alone. You emerge in pure presence. Thus, you sense the energy pulsations of the earth, the universe and life. Living in pure presence nurtures unity. Thus, separation and loneliness are abstracts of the mind.

Presence offers bliss. Therefore, time and matter have no ultimate significance. These are only details of a temporary existence. There is a path before you. The trail leads to the valley below.  And yes, you travel, on occasion, to the valley in your thoughts and actions. Nevertheless, no detail within the valley compares to the sheer rapture of living in the presence of your being. Continue reading

Loveliness of Life and How to Live

How we label something does not define the loveliness of living. The sheer manifestation of life holds its true beauty. Nevertheless, the mind labels everything. These labels can easily confuse and manipulate your behavior. Thus, our life experience is usually not accurate. Therefore, we acquire a tunnel vision. This phenomenon limits the vast possibilities within life. The total grace of your existence is here for you to acknowledge. It is life energy and it is flowing through you now.


Therefore, too many questions, assumptions and labels restrict our relationship with life. Isn’t this behavior true for any partnership, especially the intimacy of two people in love? Too many questions and labels are not beneficial. The wish in a true interrelationship is to unconditionally give and receive. This offers a nurtures balance and harmony between two people. And, we can discover this bliss when we unconditionally live life. Furthermore, equilibrium, let’s say enlightenment is the ultimate desire in any interconnection. Hence, this is the true loveliness of living and loving. Continue reading


Share and Be Aware of Living Life

I wish to express my gratitude to you. We share experiences. These encounters offer us mental and conscious expansion when we are aware. Hopefully, my ideas and insights are beneficial to you as stepping stones on your inner journey. Likewise, I learn from you through our interactions. 


We share life. This is the greatest gift to experience. Sadly, we often become so occupied with existence details and distractions that we overlook the simple bliss of living life.

The activities of our existence confuse and cause fear. This is because we base everything on temporary superficiality and details. Thus, we define our life experience as something to reach with strenuous effort.  Mind Conditioning overshadows our life experience. So, most people view balance and harmony as a fantasy or paradise. Furthermore, the majority of people think or belief that we can only reach this paradise through mind details. And, still very prevalent is the thought or belief that materialistic things will give us happiness and peace. Continue reading


Awakening to Life Instead of Denying It

Existence factors add complexity to the simply state of being. At least, this is what we think. Still, we can experience a harmonious state of being through active awareness. The initial conscious awakening or enlightenment is the recognition of this state of being. We can call this being aware of awareness. Eckhart Tolle made this statement an icon.

awakeningAwakening to the dimension of life energy consciousness is the first step to exist in discovering inner peace. Dissatisfaction, worry, fear, and other ailments cause inner disharmony. Hence, the outer universe reflects the inner universe. I cannot emphasize this enough. Get the inner universe in order and the outer universe will become clear. The acknowledgement and expansion of universal consciousness is always possible. But still, difficulties arise because we disregard our true essence. Continue reading


Does Anger Dominate Your Experiences?

Does frustration, confusion, and even anger overshadow your experience of life? What are you upset about? Is it the traffic jam? Or the neighbor’s dog barking? What you experience is the result of your state of awareness. How do you experience something? The answer reflects your inner universe. It is always about you. Your state of being decides how you experience living.


“There will be moments when everything seems overwhelming. But, you are essentially a universal part of the totality. Therefore, only you can change how you see yourself in all things. See yourself as the oneness within the totality and everything you observe and experience will change.”  Continue reading


You Are Blissful Conscious Enlightenment

Many people wish to reach spiritual enlightenment because we interpret this as something that will give us peace. We assume this will make us happy. However. must we feel good or must everything be blissful before we can experience enlightenment? This is unlikely because a universe of objects is not permanent. There will always be changes occurring that can cause confusion and discomfort.


Enlightenment does not necessarily become obvious only when we are happy and healthy. Conscious awareness is possible through the relationship with the self, the mind, and the universe. This determines how we experience everything. We either acknowledge and accept enlightenment or not. 

Therefore, it is wise to experience any situation as a human being. But understand that true enlightenment is beyond superficial details and limitations. Our behavior and perception are usually based on a conditioned mind. Thus, the mind can actually limit us from experiencing life first-hand. Similarly, the mind paints a picture that illustrates blissfulness as a portal to enlightenment. But, it is the other way around. We accept our state of enlightened being and bliss blossoms. Continue reading

Lucky Penny: This Is Not Enlightenment

The quest to reach enlightenment is similar to a 16th century quote. Oh! What a tangled web we weave. (Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field, Walter Scott) And indeed there is still a lot of confusion about living in a state of conscious awareness. Mind conditioning has mostly dominated our existence. Thus, people often consider the search for enlightenment to be a quest. Still more prevalent is our behavior regarding this illumination. Many people compare conscious awakening to finding a shiny lucky penny.


So what happens when you find a penny? Mind conditioning tells you that it will bring luck. This is a fantastic discovery because the worth of a penny is nothing compared to the luck within it. At least this is what the mind thinks. Thus you hold the penny tight for fear of losing it. And you dream about the wonderful things that are going to happen. People proclaim that everything will be different (better) because of the shiny piece of metal. Continue reading