
9 posts


Transference on the Path of Life

Transference suggests the movement, placement or replacement of something. We could simplify this word by calling it change. Furthermore, this flowing alteration can either be of mind or consciousness. The following insight is an inquiry into a spiritual (conscious) transference.


Spiritually speaking, a word such as transference is only a pointer to what is beyond interpretations and definitions. This dimension, beyond mind details, ripples with energy vibrations that flow and manifest in our life experience.

This is also a realm of transference. And, we often do ourselves, others and the world more harm than good because of our misunderstanding of this void. We and everything manifest energy. However, most people are oblivious to the potential within this transformation. This is because the mind also induces energy. Therefore, these thoughts and emotions distract and confuse us during the journey of life. Thus, a spiritual bond to life and consciously living are an unreachable quest for most individuals. Continue reading


Experience What Is Instead of What Is Not

Words often confuse us. And the word experience is an example of this confusion. We claim that our experiences influence our behavior. Similarly, the mind is adept in placing labels and definitions onto our experiences. Thus, the mind super-imposes conditioning factors onto everything. And, we just go along for the ride.


Let’s put this into perceptive from a conscious awakening standpoint. You do not necessarily participate in any given experience through your awareness to the situation. Yes, I realize this statement is first confusing. Something happens, such as a cup of water falling from the table to the floor. You are aware that the cup has fallen. Nevertheless, your awareness does not prevent you from complaining because the cup fell. Does the immediate situation cause your discomfort? Or, are you actually reenacting a conditioned reaction from a similar circumstance? Continue reading


Addictive Pain and What NOT to Do

Psychological pain is real and is often addictive. Does this sound strange to you? You experience this type of pain each day and probably don’t realize it. Unconscious mental pain affects everyone and everything. Only the degree or intensity varies from person to person. Unfortunately, most people are not conscious enough to realize the severity of this pain. It happens more often than you may think. Here, we should note that what the mind thinks doesn’t mean it is true. On the other hand, your state of awareness decides how you will experience a situation.


Thus, what is your relationship with the mind? This is the key question in consciously awakening to a state of deeper presence. Moreover, your observation of the mind determines how you experiences this moment.  Respond to life and living. But, do not react to the mind. There is a difference.

This acknowledgement can be very helpful. This is useful in understanding how you typically react to compulsive mind behavior. Please practice differentiating between two states of being. These two states are either living from mind or living in conscious awareness. Thus, mind reactions are unconscious behavior. And, this increases the addictive pain that accompanies you during daily activities. Continue reading


Moth Is Lost Because the Lights Are Bright

This article pertains to an area of human behavior that is comparable to a moth. The moth repeatedly flies toward a light or campfire in a kamikaze manner. Why do they do this? Scientists theorize that this is due to a behavior called transverse orientation.  This is common in some insects and involves flying at a constant angle relative to a distant light source. The insect navigates by using the distant light source as a beacon. Thus, the moth experiences perplexity around lights and campfires. Doesn’t this sound like how we react to thoughts and feelings?


Therefore, let’s look at this from a human standpoint. How is this behavior similar to our search for enlightenment? Enlightenment (spiritual) is the full comprehension of a situation (Wikipedia). We have a built-in navigation system that constantly points to true north. We can call this our transverse orientation, such as with a moth. Continue reading


The World is Changing Because of You

The ego and mind conditioning are still very predominant in many people. This results in a strengthening of fear and anxieties in humans. It is difficult for people to go beyond this human nature and nurture an awakening to consciousness. The Bible, among other literature, has stories that offer possible insight into a conscious awakening. There is one such example in which Jesus told the disciples about the end of the world. However, the word world had another meaning during this period of our history. Jesus lived during a period when it basically meant an age or an epoch. Jesus may very well have given his disciples and all human beings a message about the awakening of consciousness. But have we misinterpreted his teachings?


Still, a new age or era is within our reach, consciously speaking. It may very well be necessary for our evolution. This change will affect our manner of thinking and believing. It may indicate the end of the world as we have known it. This could mean a true apocalypse, an end to everything that the mind has interpreted and defined. This does not necessarily mean an end but rather a new beginning. Whereby we base reality on conscious interaction and not on mind content, interpretation, and definition. Continue reading


Flowers or Daggers: What Will You Choose?

Words are one method by which we communicate. Mind-oriented subconscious energy is another way. We can either unconsciously or consciously behave and react. There is a flow of energy during either process. These frequencies influence everything as they ripple inward and outward. Imagine, if you will, holding daggers in one hand. And flowers in the other. What will you offer yourself, others, and the universe? This is what it means to unconsciously or consciously live life.


The mind can influence these frequencies. Thus, this energy takes on countless forms. Therefore, it would be wise to choose thoughts, words, and actions in a state of presence. This will allow you to unit with universal life energy. Thus, you are indifferent to these mind-invoked frequencies. Ask yourself this question as often as possible. What energy am I offering others, the world and the universe? Focus your awareness on presence. Here and now. This will help to attune you with the flow within the dimension of life. Henceforth, you will actively observe your interaction with the mind. There will be less and less unconscious thoughts and behavior. Continue reading

Essence of Life: It Flows and Love Grows

What do you feel about life energy and love? It would seem that life offers the potential for love. But living and loving have become a mind-game. The essence of life and love have become lost in the details of the mind.



What is Love? We talk about it. And we desire it more than anything. But our behavior implies that we don’t know much about love. The truth has simply become obscured by too much content. Still we do know love. We feel it in the depth and essence of our being. This knowledge is within the dimension of life. Life and love have become synonymous. We know this as truly as we can innately sense universality. This is the true oneness of life and love. Continue reading


Yo-yo and the Path in Life

What happens when you play with a yo-yo? You release it from your hand. You expect it to go down. And you want it to return upward to your hand. However, this doesn’t always happen. Then what? Everything doesn’t happen like the mind tells you. This is partly because it is making up the game/story as you go along.


Playing with a yo-yo is similar to the search for enlightenment for many people. Expectations are many during the search. But Why? The simplest answer. It is human nature. Still we are more than just human. Every object is much more than just a thing made up of biological components. This acknowledgment is the master key to living in a state of enlightenment. Please remember that the circumstances of your existence will always be there.  People, things and situation do not change. But you can. Continue reading

Dominoes: That’s the Way They Fall

There are different variations of the game Dominoes. It originated during the Song Dynasty in China. This game, however, is not the topic of this article. We can compare this to our behavior in areas of consciousness and life energy. The mind is said to be very complex. At Least, this is what we generally “think”. The mind does what it does without any need for conscious intervention; despite its supposed complexity. The human consciousness has reached a level of awakened acknowledgment. This ancient knowledge has always been there. However, it usually remains buried in the content detail fragments of our existence. A shift is from mind to conscious awareness is necessary.


The process of thinking can be compared to the game of falling dominoes. An initial thought is sudden there. Why it is there and where it came from are irrelevant. However, let us ask the obvious. What happens to a thought when it suddenly appears? Likewise, how do you interact with this thought? A person’s first reaction might be to say that the answer for this question is very complex. Therefore my question is…why do we insist on complexity instead of simplicity? Continue reading