
3 posts


A Controversial Look into How You Live

Firstly, I wish to apologize to anyone that has read my second book Simplicity of Life. There is bad editing such as text flow and grammar mistakes within the book. I am perhaps naïve. I realize that it is years since the publication. But, the editor told me that the editing and grammar were fine. I accepted the editor’s assuring statement as correct. But, the bad editing and lack of sentence flow are the result of my oversight and my trusting nature.  I only recently took a critical look at the book’s text flow and grammar. Thus, I made many text changes and grammar corrections within the chapters. I feel that the revised text offers you an easier to read inquiry into controversial topics. Therefore, I wish to offer you this revised version of the book, as a free downloadable PDF document.


Yes, the reading material is difficult due to the nature of the topics. However, I feel strongly that we all desire harmony and bliss on the path of life. Nevertheless, reading about such controversial topics unleash conditional mind behavior patterns that developed over thousands upon thousands of years. We innately know the truth at the depth of our being. However, all structures of our development have taught us to question, deny and fear something that is actually fundamental. Ultimately, the nature of our beingness has nothing to do with the mind. Equally, the essence of our being (isness) is simplistic when we go beyond mind interference and restrictions. Therefore, the next step on the path of life is hopefully our awakening to a conscious evolution. Continue reading


Harmony Is at the Foundation of Beingness

We all want peace. Don’t we? This desire lies deep down at the root of our essence. Harmony and unity are within the universal blueprint. The essence of stillness is Synchronicity. Let’s call this ground zero or simply a state of being. Therefore, an inquiry into the underlying nature of this universal vibration is consciously beneficial in our life experience. Still, this topic is perplexing to the mind. Thus, please use the following insight as an exercise in conscious awareness beyond the mind.


It is unlikely that life or consciousness implores universal objects to find peacefulness. However, a simple state being automatically generates a universal blissful rhythm. Then along comes countless objects forms that also produce vibrations at different levels. I can understand if you choose to debate this insight. After all, conditioning causes the mind to resist simplicity. Of course, there are many viewpoints and perspectives that reflect a person’s mind-made code of conduct. But, let’s focus on that magical something beyond mind details. Non-manifested stillness is at the core of your being. This is inner peace.

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Separation: Why Do We Feel so Alone?

Evolution in terms of society and technology contribute greatly to our separation from each other. Furthermore, humankind has grown deaf to the voice of unity. This separation illusion is ongoing. We, mostly unknowingly, separate ourselves from the universe. Equally, we generally disregard the flow of life energy.  We think and believe, that there is something greater out there waiting for us. We actually think that salvation is something we must reach. But, don’t let the mind fool you. enlightenment can only be here and now. Please consider letting go of worn-out dogmas that tell you otherwise.

“Nonetheless, our species has developed into a conforming conglomerate. We believe the path to salvation or enlightenment will always be difficult and involve many sacrifices.”


Where and when did this misconception begin?  We pass this behavior down from generation to generation. So, what about object consciousness? Well, the mind mostly dominates our human consciousness. This humanizing process starts from birth and usually increases as we get older.  A stagnation develops that stops the flow of universal conscious energy. Thus, we degenerate from a pure universal conscious being to a mind conditioned human. Continue reading