
7 posts


Soup of the Day and the Life You Live

No, contrary to the title I am not opening a restaurant that offers a soup of the day 😊. Instead, I do wish to share an experience to serve as a signpost on the path of your conscious awakening. Why does the mind always want more even when there is no need for more? Here I am referring to more of anything. I learned a beneficial lesson in conscious living though the simple act of preparing soup.


It began many years ago. I participated in bodybuilding, marathon running and mountain climbing. My diet always varied slightly and offered needed supplements and food groups for these activities. I experimented with low-fat recipes and discovered a soup mixture that gave me the needed carbohydrates each day. I often prepared noodles with herbs and cheese. And, it always tasted different depending on the type of herbs and cheese. This is always a delicious meal.

However, there came a day when I started to add more ingredients to the soup. I can now say that, in hindsight, it is clear to me why I added new ingredients to the soup. I was not present. And, I was not aware of my beingness within the moment. Thus, I was not aware of the mind’s insistence to get more. This may sound too easy when expressed this way. But, life is simple and easy. This is equally true for the experiences we have in life. Our existence would readily harmonize with life if we were more aware of living within presence. Continue reading


Addictive Pain and What NOT to Do

Psychological pain is real and is often addictive. Does this sound strange to you? You experience this type of pain each day and probably don’t realize it. Unconscious mental pain affects everyone and everything. Only the degree or intensity varies from person to person. Unfortunately, most people are not conscious enough to realize the severity of this pain. It happens more often than you may think. Here, we should note that what the mind thinks doesn’t mean it is true. On the other hand, your state of awareness decides how you will experience a situation.


Thus, what is your relationship with the mind? This is the key question in consciously awakening to a state of deeper presence. Moreover, your observation of the mind determines how you experiences this moment.  Respond to life and living. But, do not react to the mind. There is a difference.

This acknowledgement can be very helpful. This is useful in understanding how you typically react to compulsive mind behavior. Please practice differentiating between two states of being. These two states are either living from mind or living in conscious awareness. Thus, mind reactions are unconscious behavior. And, this increases the addictive pain that accompanies you during daily activities. Continue reading


A State of Being Beyond Empathy

Equanimity is a state of balance between mind and consciousness. Leonard Nimoy played the character Spock in Star Trek. Spock depicts a person capable of experiencing thoughts and emotions. But, never (well at least almost never 😊) let these human attributes control his state of being. 


Indifference and non-attachment to thoughts, emotions, people, or situations nurtures clarity. Of course, empathy is useful in practical situations. And, even sympathy is beneficial in our interactions. However, these emotions actually cause an imbalance in an unaware person’s state of being. On the other hand, the practice of equanimity changes how you see yourself, the mind, and everything around you.

Here is the Wikipedia’s link and info for Equanimity (inner peace).  We innate know that there is calmness within the spaciousness of presence. But, the mind still has a strong influence over our perception of living life. Especially, when too many thoughts and emotions overshadow our awareness of here and now. Continue reading


Separation: Why Do We Feel so Alone?

Evolution in terms of society and technology contribute greatly to our separation from each other. Furthermore, humankind has grown deaf to the voice of unity. This separation illusion is ongoing. We, mostly unknowingly, separate ourselves from the universe. Equally, we generally disregard the flow of life energy.  We think and believe, that there is something greater out there waiting for us. We actually think that salvation is something we must reach. But, don’t let the mind fool you. enlightenment can only be here and now. Please consider letting go of worn-out dogmas that tell you otherwise.

“Nonetheless, our species has developed into a conforming conglomerate. We believe the path to salvation or enlightenment will always be difficult and involve many sacrifices.”


Where and when did this misconception begin?  We pass this behavior down from generation to generation. So, what about object consciousness? Well, the mind mostly dominates our human consciousness. This humanizing process starts from birth and usually increases as we get older.  A stagnation develops that stops the flow of universal conscious energy. Thus, we degenerate from a pure universal conscious being to a mind conditioned human. Continue reading


Free Yourself from the Mind and Simply Live

The word free in itself is just a word. The universal knowledge of what this entails is something quite different. The human heart, the mind, and consciousness all sense the truth of this word. Being free is something that only you can experience when you are ready. Serenity is there in each moment. The world of humankind will always demand. However, this is basically a mind-created illusion. The mind tells you that this is how you should see yourself and everything beyond your own form. This can change through a shift in self-perspective. The world will continue to demand if you allow it. This, however, does not mean that you must mentally or physically undertake any action or reaction to stop experiencing this feeling that the world wants something from you.


Awakening consciously involves recognizing and releasing the plaguing thoughts that often dominate our daily activities. The mind confuses the simplicity of oneness with the complexity of life-form existence. A simple shift in awareness and observing how you react to thoughts can open up more and more space in each experience. Continue reading


Thought Compression or Conscious Relaxation?

Ask this question. How do I wish to live? Let’s compare the mind to a computer. It has a program (conditioning) used for the compression of data (thoughts). However, the mind usually overloads us with too many thoughts. Why? Simply because we are not consciously aware. We could also call this living consciously or freedom from mind interference.


Otherwise, the mind will attempt to compress more and more thoughts into your conscious state of being (presence). This compression can be an advantage for the storage and transfer of data on a computer. However, it can be very burdening for a life-form with a deeper level of consciousness. Why? Simply because consciousness suggests that an object has the potential to be self-aware. Self-consciousness, in turn, causes us to ask why. Continue reading


Living Is to Be Alive: Start Now!

Living is so much more than the methods and concepts of the mind. Still, the mind can be useful in the experience of life. This is to say, when we use it wisely. I recently read and viewed inspirational stories of individuals. These people, of all ages, have overcome mental and physical hardships to rise above all expectations. This caused me to repeatedly (non-stop) cry as I reflected on how marvelous it is to be a human being. Not to mention, the beauty of living and consciously knowing that we are alive. We are.


Yet, there is a flip side. We still argue, fight and kill each other as well as initiate unthinkable acts on ourselves, others and the world. All of which are primarily based on unconsciousness. It seems such a terrible waste; although I realize that this behavior originates in our evolution. Continue reading