
2 posts

Satan in Disguise While Baking Bread Rolls

Does the word Satan cause you anxiety or fear? Relax, everything is fine. This is only a word. And, just like everything, we experience the word based on conditioned thoughts and emotions. So, what is this devil that everyone fears? Satan is a symbol of fear, evil, and corruptions. As well as, anything considered bad and deceitful. Hebrew scriptures and documents from before 300 BCE often use this word (root word s‘tn). The word is a derivative of the Hebrew verb satan. The original meaning meant to oppose. The Christian church used the Hebrew Scriptures Greek translation of the word. They translated satan as diaboloc from which we derive our English term devil and diabolic. (source: www.religioustolerance.org)


So, our understanding of the universe implies that the devil is the root of all evil. These thoughts and beliefs are equal to the countless stories of a God or gods. A devil is the opposing force to all that is good. Thus, we entertain ourselves with God and devil misconceptions and labels. We superimpose these into our daily experiences. Love a God and fear the devil are typical dogmas throughout the world. And yet, there is also a certain type of fascination about the devil. But, so what? We tell similar stories and make comparable assumptions about many of our experiences throughout history. Human beings have an acute imagination and fantasy primarily based on creativity, fascination, and fear. Continue reading


Mystery of Life: Experience It Without Labels

The mystery of life has held us in awe since the awakening of self-consciousness. The year was one million B.C. A silhouette appeared on a hilltop overlooking a valley. It was a primitive human being that stood there looking to the stars. A second member of the tribe appear, then a third, and a fourth. The first person pointed to the shiny points of light in the sky. He did this repeatedly for several minutes. And, this is how it began. We started to ask why? This was the dawn of self-consciousness.


Welcome to the mystery of life. Since then we have been labeling this mystery. The assumptions and labels are many. We first said that Gods gave us life. Eventually, this assumption changed to one God. Strangely, there is supposedly one God. But, many cultures and belief structures have a different God that is the only ‘one’ God.  Additionally, we use words and symbols to define what this God can do. Moreover, we assume to know what this God wishes and plans.

But why do we assume, interpret, and define this secret called life? We do this for the same reason(s) as the primitive tribe on the hillside. Because, the mind is always asking “why?” Continue reading