
8 posts


Patterns of Behavior and the Act of Being

Active awareness provides us with opportunities to consciously awaken. This transition is occurring in more and more people. And, letting go of strict patterns of behavior nurtures the manifestation of conscious energy. In other words, the universe is awakening to the potentials within itself through your conscious beingness. Likewise, living in conscious presence offers you harmony and fulfillment. You will see yourself, others and the world as new and brilliantly alive with opportunities. Thus, the benefit of an aware state of being becomes more and more prevalent during any given experience. Therefore, awaken to your influence on the energy within this space of is-ness, of beingness. 


Nevertheless, a conditioned mind thrives on repetition.  The mind’s behavior easily imprisons a person that lives in an unaware state of being. And, these mind patterns falsely impose duality into our experience of life. Please, just pause for a moment and consider the absurdity of the mind and its misinterpretations of living. Being is universal. Life, is a flowing energy vibration within the act of being.

Therefore, awaken to the literal power of creation that is available within your beingness. We often use home to express the essence of this universal energy. However, the birth of each person signifies a false journey that supposedly will return us home. Instead, let’s express our existence as the acknowledgement of being without significance on a beginning or end. Still, the mind’s illusions of a specific path or purpose in life overshadow how we live. This manipulates and restricts the unification between our being, the flow of life and conscious expansion. Continue reading


Desiderata Because Life is about You

Are you familiar with the writings of Max Ehrmann? He wrote the poem Desiderata in 1927. I wrote an article with topics relating to this poem several years ago.  A person, at that time, reminded me of the poem during a conversation about our experiences in high school.


It is obvious that materialistic merits and always getting more is the focus of most people. But, this results in, among other things, always wanting more and more. This means that enough is never enough. Furthermore, wanting and needing causes people to feel isolated and alone. However, we are beings of the universe. Therefore, our presence portraits a universal beingness. Thus, the universe becomes conscious of itself through us. Nevertheless, we have forgotten our essence. Thus, gone down a path that distracts us from consciously observing each step on this journey.  

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Homeward Bound Is not a Journey

You innately know the essence of this moment. And, you instinctively sense the pulsation and flow of living in this moment. But, the mind distracts this state of awareness. Nevertheless, is it accurate to say that you are a conscious being living now. Thus, you are the isness of now. This acknowledgement and acceptance allow conscious awareness to flow. Let’s use an example to illustrate. What is your state of being when you take a bath or swim? You are in water. However, how often are you deeply aware that you are in the water? Presence is the stepping stone that unites you and the water. Furthermore, this is an undeniable state of being in relation to all experiences. This realization allows your homeward journey to unfold naturally.


Living from a state of isness to this moment releases you from the mind. Accordingly, your partnership with the mind will improve. Thus, you more efficiently use the mind to understand existential experiences. The mind’s domination over your life experience will lessen. Hence, you will focus on conscious awareness and the manifestation of this moment. There is no need for magic, science or religion to be presence and live in the isness of now. It is literally as easy as standing in front of a mirror and to deeply accept your beingness. This is a transcendence experience within the totality of presence. And, this is your true home. Continue reading


Everlasting Transformation Begins Within You

We often misinterpret the word spiritual. Therefore, please don’t think that living spiritual is a prerequisite to enlightenment. We are experiencing a shift in awareness. This awakening is allowing an inner transformation to blossom. Spirituality is just a word such as religion, God or Buddha. The word has no real significance. Other than to give our existence structure. The change that we are witnessing is the release of our conditioned behavior and mind-restrictions. We are letting go of personal and collective dogmas.


We don’t need to be spiritual to experience life energy consciousness. Rather, living and being are far beyond believing in something or even thinking anything. Thus, we need to unconditionally experience the truth of living in each moment. It would be beneficial for us to acknowledge that we are within everything. And we are influencing how things manifest. We are absolute at the level of being.

Still, we search for, demand more from, and define life instead of just living life. And, there are so many expectations. Thus, we obsessively attach ourselves to thoughts, feelings, and things. The problem is that we are always asking questions. We always expect something and overlook what is already there. We base our expectations purely on mind-oriented factors. This expectation is due to a state of unconsciousness. Universal intelligence vibrates and will respond to both unconsciously-made or consciously-made energy outputs. Continue reading

The Footpath of Least Resistance

A pathway can reveal clarity or confusing. What is the deciding element during the journey? You, because you are the way. The Way is not the path itself. Nor, is it you as the person. Instead, it is how you travel this trail. The way is permanence. And, you take one step and then the next. But, will each step be unconsciously or consciously taken?  A footpath commonly indicates a simpler means of travel. Then why does the way often seem so complex? Remember, you are the way. Therefore, you cause the complications. The path is simply a path.


Thus, the footpath is helpful during conscious awakening. Whereas, the way is unavoidable. However, it can be a transition that will change everything. This depends on how you experience it. Laozi (Lao Tzu) shared profound wisdom in his insight about The Way. His teachings offer us the experience of simplicity as we travel on the path. He does not share details about what we encounter. But, he does suggest living consciously along the way. Continue reading


Sureness of Universal Energy: Just Let It Flow

Trust is everything. It is existentially, as also ultimately, the foundation of the universe. The sureness of universal energy is oddly similar to the Chaos Theory. Trust suggests that everything is as it is. The mind is turning somersaults now due to these sentences. Therefore, let’s first clarify. Still, always remember that such words are useful as signposts. But, they are only directional finders on the journey back home and nothing more.


You are, he or she is, and all is everything. This is simple enough. Isn’t it? Likewise, universal energy always is in one form or another. This is the sureness of being. We can also simplify this by saying (what is, is).  We place our trust in countless existential factors. So, why don’t we accept the unfolding of universal life energy? Yes, things are going to happen. They always do. But, it is possible to let go. Do you trust yourself? If yes, then you should depend on the vibrations of this energy. Why should you? Because everything reflects you according to your trust and acceptance without expectations. Continue reading


The Winding Eternal Path of Being

The image of a winding path depicts a journey. And, obviously, a path must go somewhere. Is that an accurate statement? A twisting trail begins and it usually ends at some point. Is this true? Most people would say yes.  However, this is not necessarily correct when we refer to life and being. We literally take hundreds of journeys down a curving road. These are usually physical journeys. But, can also be mind-made. Still, are we truly going anywhere? Or, are we always there where each journey began?


The winding road to somewhere really leads nowhere; spiritually speaking. It is always about where you are in each moment and not where you are going. The concepts of past and future lose validity when a person is actively conscious. I was walking the other day. It is a gratifying experience to walk outside in nature. Especially during the springtime. I became very aware of the curves and directions of the path. Continue reading

The Path to Becoming Conscious

We use the word “path” to describe the way from here to there. A path indicates a beginning and usually an eventual ending. This could be called an arrival. It is obvious that we also choose this terminology in describing our experiences with the conscious awakening process. However, it is beneficial for us not to lose ourselves in the definition itself. A journey is a proper word to use here, but it is never about the “path”. Being conscious is very likely not even about the experiences on this path. The experiences are only useful as sign posts during this journey.


Is there a necessity to travel down a path during the conscious awakening process? This question is ultimately unnecessary because it is a mind creation. A tree, a bird or even a rock does not practice becoming conscious. They do not spend each moment of existence in thoughts about being conscious or aware. These life-forms simply “are” life and consciousness. They are engulfed in the suchness of now. I have a deep appreciation for this expression of presence. Continue reading