law of attraction

2 posts


Accident on the Path of Life

A recent accident caused bodily discomfort for me due to a concussion and inflamed rotator cuff in the shoulder. This might seem bad. But, please recall that the mind loves to label everything. And, the mind thrives on experiences that it can label as bad.

Instead, let’s not consider the accident as anything. Neither good or bad. Yes, there are factors to consider from a bodily standpoint. But, discussing or even treating the bodily discomforts does not require labeling the experience.


The practice of non-attachment and non-dependency are beneficial. I wish to again emphasize the usefulness of this practice in all daily situation. Non-attachment and non-dependency are corner stones in the foundation of your/our conscious awakening experience. Please, reach out to me if there is any confusion about the practice and usefulness of non-attachment. Let’s share ideas and insight. Continue reading


Law of Attraction: Around and Around It Goes

Almost everyone has heard of the law of attraction. But, is it only a spirituality cliché or does it hold true merit?

“The law of attraction is the name given to the maxim “like attracts like” which in New Thought philosophy is used to sum up the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from “pure energy”, and the belief that like energy attracts like energy.” – Wikipedia


Hence, the law of attraction is an interesting phenomenon that very likely occurs in any and every moment. You attract what you focus on.  Whether you know it or not. The energy you release is what will return to you. We and all living organism are the catalysts. Still, a life-form with a higher level of object consciousness will influence universal energy more than a life form with less. Likewise, there is a further benefit relating to higher object consciousness.  It offers the possibility to actively observe how this energy influences this dimension. The very fact that we can be aware of consciousness allows us to experience the results of the law of attraction. Continue reading