mind illusions

9 posts


Patterns of Behavior and the Act of Being

Active awareness provides us with opportunities to consciously awaken. This transition is occurring in more and more people. And, letting go of strict patterns of behavior nurtures the manifestation of conscious energy. In other words, the universe is awakening to the potentials within itself through your conscious beingness. Likewise, living in conscious presence offers you harmony and fulfillment. You will see yourself, others and the world as new and brilliantly alive with opportunities. Thus, the benefit of an aware state of being becomes more and more prevalent during any given experience. Therefore, awaken to your influence on the energy within this space of is-ness, of beingness. 


Nevertheless, a conditioned mind thrives on repetition.  The mind’s behavior easily imprisons a person that lives in an unaware state of being. And, these mind patterns falsely impose duality into our experience of life. Please, just pause for a moment and consider the absurdity of the mind and its misinterpretations of living. Being is universal. Life, is a flowing energy vibration within the act of being.

Therefore, awaken to the literal power of creation that is available within your beingness. We often use home to express the essence of this universal energy. However, the birth of each person signifies a false journey that supposedly will return us home. Instead, let’s express our existence as the acknowledgement of being without significance on a beginning or end. Still, the mind’s illusions of a specific path or purpose in life overshadow how we live. This manipulates and restricts the unification between our being, the flow of life and conscious expansion. Continue reading


The Presence of Life and You

What smacks you in the face every moment of every day? You can’t avoid it. And yet, you often do anything and everything possible to escape it. My reference is to presence. You can go from here to there, eat, sleep or play. Nevertheless, it is always now. Still, most people usually don’t actively participate in the space of here and now. Often, people want to avoid the presence within this moment.


Nevertheless, sometimes details within a given moment do make us joyful. But, the mind generates this joy. And, it is temporary. The moment is now, although even to label this moment in any way is not wise. Of course, this is also true of any detail within now. To consider this blink of an eye as good or bad, joyful or sad is to overlook its essence. Presence is the simple, undefined act of being. Nothing more and nothing less. Continue reading


Clarity Via Conscious Awareness

Living life in impartiality offers true clarity in relation to any thought, emotion, person or situation.  The practice of non-attachment is your walking stick on the path of life.


This simple realization can change everything. And moreover, it changes how you experience everything. This becomes clearer as you observe situations that usually cause frustration, sadness and confusion. Suddenly, whatever unfolds does not radically influence your conscious beingness. This is the actual enlightenment that you seek. And, it is here and now. Continue reading


Fulfillment Is Not a Goal to Reach

We may believe that fulfillment of life and certain goals come from hard work, determination, or even luck. But, this belief is not accurately correct. Our endeavors may contribute to the achievement of existence activities. Nevertheless, these are not actually the deciding factors in the experience of fulfillment.


We can verify this insight through the example of people who try their best. And, still nothing seems to go right. This is also why a person who seems good and deserving doesn’t receive anything. Consequently, this good person may actually experience hardships, sickness, and even premature death. Why do we consider this to be unfair? The reason is because our expectations and desires are almost always from the level of thoughts, ego, and emotions. However, the things a person wants, but doesn’t get, were never his or hers to receive. This is where the conditioned path and mind behavior can cause great disorder in our interactions with life.

Everything comes from a flow of unmanifested energy, no matter what we might otherwise wish to believe. Nonetheless, the mind dominates and insists it knows what is best for us. Mind manipulation is apparent in our behavior, especially in unaware people. However, decisions based on the mind are only from the level of our existence. We plan and work to reach goals. Yes, relatively speaking, this is typical for our species. Nonetheless, our endeavors are entirely irrelevant in terms of conscious living. Therefore, as a conscious individual, you acknowledge human aspects. But, you remain anchored in a state of being that is conscious of itself. I am here and now! Interrupt thoughts and emotions constantly with this simple realization. I am. Still, ego and a conditioning mind demand that we place importance on thoughts and emotions. Nevertheless, this is just an illusion. Continue reading

Deceit and the Mask We Wear

You, I and all others have a vast array of masks. We wear masks according to the mind’s interpretation of any given experience. Are we afraid to show ourselves to others? Definitely! And, the majority of people are also unable or unwilling to accept themselves. Furthermore, mind conditioning thrives on this evolution tendency. Moreover, the mind gives us countless reasons to explain the phenomenon of mask wearing. So, we deceit ourselves by listening to the mind and its lies. We can call this behavior many things. However, living solely in accordance with mind interpretations is a lie, plain and simple.


Nevertheless, the mask of deceit worn by most people is complex and is not intentionally worn. It is astonishing to observe the masquerade played out by everyone, including myself. Why do we need masks? It is fear that prevents us from simply accepting ourselves? Is it shame? Or lack of self-esteem? There is no easy answer. This is because the masks we wear are due to a combination of all experiences. Nevertheless, it is possible to take off your mask(s). The first step in this process is to consciously accept that you are not the image in the mirror. This acknowledgement is usually enough to widen your conscious perspective. Thus, the mirror image is actually a non-reality.

Dare to look beyond the mind
A deeper and truer beingness is always beyond the images of the mind.

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A Fire We Call Love That Consumes Us

There is a fire within us. You might know this sensation as something we call love. This emotion fascinates us. We desire it. And, often we hate it. Similarly, people often mistake sensuality for love. There is a need within many individuals that seek love as if it is a purpose to fulfill. Thus, this flame consumes the majority of people due to the demand for more.


Likewise, a person will often seek happiness through another person. The mind primarily influences our search for love. This insatiable need to find something is also prevalent in the search for spiritual fulfillment or salvation. But, still unknown to the majority of people, everything we search is already here within us. Still, many people spend their entire existence consumed by a flame that is only a mind game.

What is life and love? We probably will never know. And, the good news is we don’t need to know. However, conscious awareness is beneficial to the experience of both. The mind cannot differentiate between ultimate reality and the game that it plays. However, you, as an awake conscious observer, can end this long-standing game. The authenticity of your conscious experiences relies on your relationship to the inner self. We can also express this as the inner universe. Continue reading

Everything Is Unfair or Is It?

We tend to accuse everything; whether person or situation, of being unfair. Also, we expect to live life as in the descriptive illusions of a Garden of Eden. Let’s consider the following correlations. We assume things and people are unfair. Equally, we presume to lose people and things during our life. So, this must mean that life is unfair. And, sooner or later, we lose everything. But, what are we actually saying when we use such assumptions? We actually mean that people and situations are do not fulfill our expectations. So, we label things as fair or unfair.


And, the loss of something is often overwhelming to most of us. We literally label life as a series of highs and lows. We are on a self-constructed road of delusional Hell. The center point of this delusion is strangely enough, a misinterpretation of our own being. Continue reading


Mortality and the Mind Quest for Eternity

This one eternal moment appears to structure a framework of hours, days, months and years. This is, however, an illusion. We can only experience anything now. And, this moment is not to give or take.  Being is. Thus, presence is being the isness of now. And, how you experience presence is your choice. You decide. Nevertheless, mind-created concepts such as mortality invokes fear. Why? Because the mind bases everything on concepts of time, matter, and space. And, the mind attempts to entrap us within these thoughts, definitions, and labels.


The mind conjures up many scenarios about our existence. Whereas, the mind depicts impermanence as bad. But, what if it were possible to go beyond mind-generated thoughts of mortality? Instead, let’s envision the eternity within this moment. Our conscious awareness of presence is the gateway to this vibrating realm of energy. 

Yes, of course, there are ailments of the body. And, any life-form is also susceptible to injury or death. Nevertheless, this is the unfolding of a nature occurrence. This is what it means to be an object of life. However, being is the simple act of being. Nothing more and nothing less. Being is not being happy, healthy, sad, or sick. But, the mind insists that to be means you have to be something. So, our practice is to focus on conscious presence. Instead of mind intervention. To be is enough. Everything else will fall into its nature order. Continue reading


Fear: Why Are You Afraid?

This is a continuation of the recent article Afraid? But Why? Moreover, Why Now? We all have experiences with fear. There are levels of worry; often followed by anxiety. These anxiety attacks sometimes end in panic outbreaks. This behavior takes on many forms. Furthermore, it begins with conditioned reactions brought on by thoughts (mostly past or future). But, they are illusions of the mind. So, what does it mean to be afraid of fear? Let’s use a daily situation to illustrate. You have various tasks to accomplish at work.


There are one or perhaps even several tasks that involve interacting with other co-workers. Likewise, you may need to work together with the management department. You are busily working. Suddenly, you realize that the next task will involve collaborating with others.

No big deal, right? Wrong; it is a very big deal. At least, this is what the mind might tell you.  But, why? Because, you have had one or several uncomfortable situations in the past. This has resulted in discussing these troublesome situations with a supervisor. However, he or she is actually responsible for the problems. Hence, both you and the supervisor remain frustrated and withdrawn. What happens many times in such a situation? Both you and the supervisor do everything possible to avoid any interaction. Continue reading