
2 posts


Eternity on the Path of Life

You will always be the totality of anything, no matter what you experience or confront. Reality is always a direct reflection of your observation. Live life unconsciously and there will always be assumptions, labels, confusion and fear. However, consciously living this life experience offers an eternity of possibilities.


A Walk in Eternity

I went walking just the other day, not really that far away.
At least this is what I had thought.
But, in fact, I walk an eternity each day.
It was a day early in autumn.
The leaves turning colors.
Each was so beautiful…glowing red, orange, and yellow.
I cannot remember when I last went walking.
There was no true destination; still, I did not linger.

The beauty of that day swept me away.
The birds were singing.
The sun shined as its warmth caressed my being.
I never thought of myself as a dreamer; yet here I was dreaming.
Was it really a dream or a dream within a dream?

Thoughts can lead us astray.
Do not heed them.
Perhaps we should say, Let come what may.
Accordingly, whatever is…is.
Continue reading


Evolution of Consciousness: It Is Blossoming

What is evolution? Everything evolves in some manner. Doesn’t it? offers several definitions for evolution.

  1. Any process of formation or growth; development
  2. A product of such development; something evolved
  3. A motion incomplete in itself, but combining with coordinated motions to produce a single action, as in a machine.
  4. Biology. Change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.

These are but a few of the definitions used for evolution. How has consciousness evolved? Likewise, how can it change our experience of life? Could we go so far as to say that universal consciousness is the catalyst for evolution? 


I, as I am sure you, continue to awaken and become more aware of consciousness. Thus, this too must be a form of evolution.  The universe is 99.9 percent nothingness. This is amazing to consider. But, it is even more incredible to simply experience how nothingness manifests into somethingness. There are more and more scientists / physicists who are basically saying that consciousness creates reality. Continue reading