Simplicity of Life

7 posts


A Controversial Look into How You Live

Firstly, I wish to apologize to anyone that has read my second book Simplicity of Life. There is bad editing such as text flow and grammar mistakes within the book. I am perhaps naïve. I realize that it is years since the publication. But, the editor told me that the editing and grammar were fine. I accepted the editor’s assuring statement as correct. But, the bad editing and lack of sentence flow are the result of my oversight and my trusting nature.  I only recently took a critical look at the book’s text flow and grammar. Thus, I made many text changes and grammar corrections within the chapters. I feel that the revised text offers you an easier to read inquiry into controversial topics. Therefore, I wish to offer you this revised version of the book, as a free downloadable PDF document.


Yes, the reading material is difficult due to the nature of the topics. However, I feel strongly that we all desire harmony and bliss on the path of life. Nevertheless, reading about such controversial topics unleash conditional mind behavior patterns that developed over thousands upon thousands of years. We innately know the truth at the depth of our being. However, all structures of our development have taught us to question, deny and fear something that is actually fundamental. Ultimately, the nature of our beingness has nothing to do with the mind. Equally, the essence of our being (isness) is simplistic when we go beyond mind interference and restrictions. Therefore, the next step on the path of life is hopefully our awakening to a conscious evolution. Continue reading


Dance with a Tree and Sing Your Song

Being one with Life is a discover that changes how you live. More and more people are awakening to the simplicity of conscious living. People either realize this simplicity or they don’t. Please understand that active conscious awareness is not necessary to exist. You will continue to live with or without conscious awareness. Nevertheless, the quality of your life experience changes greatly when you consciously live in the flow of life. Also, there is no ready-made guideline or map leading to X marks the spot. The X represents the shift from mind to active consciousness in your life experience. You will deeply know when you are truly awake. Henceforth, you will recognize that life is a dance. And, you are the composer. Everyone composes a life song. But, most people unconsciously write this composition. Therefore, most individuals repeatedly experience drama, confusion, and fear. 


Life and universal energy literally dance to the rhythm of our inner universe. There is a vibrating flow within the state of our being. This music is always playing. But, we don’t really listen.  We compose a dance through the simply act of being. Everything in our surroundings, include the vibration of life, blend into this rhythm. Our conscious or unconscious energy energizes the manifestation of life and the universe.

Therefore, it is best to lead this universal life song from a conscious state of being. Continue reading


Assumptions Restrict the Universal Flow of Life

Life and love are very simplistic and pure. Life needs no validation through assumptions or beliefs. Love can equally only be truly fulfilling when felt in its purity, without conceptual definition or restriction. There is naturally a basic pattern of unity that derives from a species individual and collective development. This does not however explain how we feel what a plant feels or what an animal feels. There are two factors to consider in the discussion of empathy.


The first factor, as the first definition of empathy states, is a state of imaginative projection. This is naturally possible for a species such as our own. This may result from the developed field of creative intelligence and our emotions. We place behavior and emotions definition labels on objects and other living forms to explain everything for our own purposes. The second factor is very significant. This is the field of oneness. This is much more than just projecting a subjective state of being into another form, animate or inanimate. Continue reading


One Is the Loneliest Number or Is it?

Object consciousness is an expressing of life. Universal consciousness is ultimately the experience of being one. On the other hand, the mind overshadows the evolution of self-consciousness. Thus, mind dominance manipulates and restricts our conscious awareness. This lack of awareness contributes to our conditioned behavior. Furthermore, this development simulates separation and duality. Thus, to illustrate in words, we overlook the totality of being. Pause for a moment and reflect on this insight. Logically and ultimately, there is only presence(being). And, this is universal.


But, the mind manipulates our consciousness into playing a game. Likewise, the mind insists it knows the game rules. But what about rules that the mind doesn’t know? Here the mind insures that it will sooner or later tells us what it doesn’t know now. Alas, the weight of mind conditioning is a heavy burden on our personal and collective experiences. Additionally, belief structures have the destructive impact of a runaway locomotive. Detachment from the mind, likewise our awakening to consciousness, can change everything. Then the two, object and universal consciousness, suddenly become one. Continue reading


Awakening to Life Instead of Denying It

Existence factors add complexity to the simply state of being. At least, this is what we think. Still, we can experience a harmonious state of being through active awareness. The initial conscious awakening or enlightenment is the recognition of this state of being. We can call this being aware of awareness. Eckhart Tolle made this statement an icon.

awakeningAwakening to the dimension of life energy consciousness is the first step to exist in discovering inner peace. Dissatisfaction, worry, fear, and other ailments cause inner disharmony. Hence, the outer universe reflects the inner universe. I cannot emphasize this enough. Get the inner universe in order and the outer universe will become clear. The acknowledgement and expansion of universal consciousness is always possible. But still, difficulties arise because we disregard our true essence. Continue reading


Free Floating Beyond the Mind Using Your S.O.S.

How can we be fully conscious and still have a partnership with our mind? We can illustrate the simplicity of free choice through the following insight. Let’s use the abbreviation S.O.S. as a point of presence. And no, s.o.s. does not mean Save Our Ship in this discussion. Rather, these letters are stepping stones to presence as we move beyond the mind. Therefore, in any situation, we should observe the relationship between our self and the experience. S.O.S. is your life preserver to aid in floating above turbulent mind-created waves of thoughts and feelings. This exercise is useful as we learn to calmly float through life without assistance.


It is a complicated world. My life is so complex. Do these comments sound familiar? We desire enlightenment but claim it is impossible to reach. We think and believe that we are literally, what we think and believe. Conditioned living causes these repetitious patterns. We are not in touch with our true essence. This is nothing more than a human evolution inflection. Furthermore, everyone and especially sensitive people are more susceptible to these behavior side effects. But, it is just a mind-game. Moreover, we can be free of this mental reaction pattern.  Actually, it is very simply.

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Desire to Love

I have completed my third book manuscript a few months ago. However, I have decided to wait just a little longer before starting the editing work and publication. This decision was based on several factors, including financial and the desire to revise the first draft. Nevertheless, it should be ready for publishing later this year.


The book takes consciousness and our desire to love into consideration. Love and our relationship with it, us and others is the main topic within the pages. There are also many poems about life and love throughout the book that I have written. These correlate with the topics discussed in each chapter.

Consciousness flows where life grows: love is the seed that lets it blossom!

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