
2 posts

Song of Rain and Sun

The song of life is playing. Do you hear it? It had started to rain during a hot day where I live. It was a beautiful spring shower. I could hear the rain drops falling onto the trees. It was mesmerizing to hear the gentle song of life as the rain fell upon the leaves. However, I realized that I was not actually hearing the rain or wind. Furthermore, the experience was intensified through active awareness to the present moment.


What I sensed was the energy vibrations as the rain fell. It felt as if I was moving in response to the tree limb movements as each swayed to and fro in the wind. I smiled as I considered what my friend would say if he would see me in that moment. What would my friend answer if I would ask him if he likes the rain? This caused me to smile even more because I know that he would complain about the rain and say that the sun should shine. Moreover, it would be impossible to suggest that life was singing to him in that moment. The song of life usually remains unnoticed by most people. Continue reading


Temporary Static: Here Today Gone Tomorrow

You are a temporary object manifesting energy in this moment. Therefore, you are alive. This, in itself, is wonderful. However, is it significant? We can consider this relatively and absolutely. The former is no and the latter is yes. Nevertheless, acknowledging and accepting this temporal state can provide a stepping stone to infinity.


Yet, we can only truly realize immortality by going beyond object generated static. Nonetheless, our daily situations often seem very ominous; even devastating. This is because of the personal and collective mind conditioning accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years (clock time). Now is forever. The current situation is temporary. How do we realize the temporary insignificance of any given situation? Firstly, deeply understand that the form is always different. This is true, regardless how the mind interprets something. Static is Static. It interferes with our awareness of the unity shared by all things. Continue reading