spiritual awakening

11 posts


The Revolution Begins with You

Revolution, in reference to words, might be as significant to conscious awakening as the word now. But, please remember. Words are useful in daily interaction. But, words are, at best, only sign posts to what lies beyond.


Thus, with this understanding, let’s consider conscious awakening as a revolution that is long overdue. Yes, the mind overshadows this uprising. However, deep within and beyond mind influences is something indescribable.  Aware presence is the gateway to this almost magical dimension. The majority of people know, at some level, that something beyond all this mind madness is available to us. Nevertheless, most people are still not able to awaken and claim this state of conscious presence as their own.

It is a person’s state of awareness to the dimension of conscious presence that is foremost significant. This is a conscious revolution that has the potential to change your experience of life and living. But, the mind functions according to repetitious mind patterns that distract and restrict. Nevertheless, you can start a rebellion and free your true self from the minds manipulative and restrictive dominance. There are various writings, such as the following, beneficial in your shift from mind conditioned behavior to conscious presence awareness. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind… Romans 12:2 Continue reading


Magic Lamp of Worry or Joy

Would you like to have a magic lamp? Of course, almost everyone has this wish. Our imagination runs wild because of the many possibilities. Did this creative fantasy spark the idea for the story of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp? Who knows? Still, astonishing as it sounds, the magic is in you. And, you are the lamp, figuratively speaking.


Firstly, please open your imagination to the ideas I share with you. The mysterious magic that everyone has is one and the same. Additionally, there is something to clarify. You can worry, be happy or whatever you want or wish. Ultimately, these thoughts and feelings have nothing to do with the magic in you. Does this confuse you? Well, let’s shed light on the origin of this magical something in you. The magic is as old as the universe. Equally, this marvelous mystery is as new as this moment.  Don’t despair and continue to read. Your bewilderment will hopefully shift to awe.  Don’t worry. Living consciously is getting easier and easier because you are awake and aware.

The vision of a lamp represents your state of being. And the magical energy of presence is inside. Your awareness or lack of awareness determines if the magic will flow or not. Similarly, you determine the contents of your state of being. Yes, presence is constant. But, presence is nothing for us without awareness to it. Continue reading


Prison of the Mind and You Have the Key

There is a place that is always within reach. This place is a dimension of unbounded possibilities. The mind knows of this place and probably doesn’t care if there is such a space. Because, this place is beyond the mind. Thus, conscious awareness remains just out of reach. Likewise, problems arise when we aren’t actively aware of the mind’s activities. This creates a prison of the mind.


This prison is of our own design. We build and rebuild this cage on a foundation of Thoughts, beliefs, conditioning, and fear. And, we choose to stay entrapped within the walls. But, these are only walls that exist in the mind. Yet, are not really a part of the mind. Or are they? The mind processes information. The mind thinks. The next consideration is whether a person thinks that he or she is the mind. Or, is our true self the observer of the mind? The mind itself is probably indifferent to what we do with the information it processes. And, the mind does not intend to trap us. Only thoughts and emotions comprise the mind cage. However, these seem so real. Continue reading


Awakening to Life Instead of Denying It

Existence factors add complexity to the simply state of being. At least, this is what we think. Still, we can experience a harmonious state of being through active awareness. The initial conscious awakening or enlightenment is the recognition of this state of being. We can call this being aware of awareness. Eckhart Tolle made this statement an icon.

awakeningAwakening to the dimension of life energy consciousness is the first step to exist in discovering inner peace. Dissatisfaction, worry, fear, and other ailments cause inner disharmony. Hence, the outer universe reflects the inner universe. I cannot emphasize this enough. Get the inner universe in order and the outer universe will become clear. The acknowledgement and expansion of universal consciousness is always possible. But still, difficulties arise because we disregard our true essence. Continue reading

Mind and Object Consciousness: What’s Next?

It is really up to each of us to remain detached from the mind’s activities. Whereby we should eventually experience spiritual fulfillment. This is a completion, a realization; nothing more and nothing less. We experience this through absorbed universal awareness of our role to protect and guide each other during this awakening. Therefore, please know, you are not the mind with its list of thoughts and beliefs.


Consequently, we are perpetually protecting and guiding the universe and even the flow of life itself. Furthermore, the person next to you, a tree, or even a fly is not something outside of you; it is you. Looking beyond the abstracts of our existence will allow us to experience the bliss of unity. Continue reading


Universal Consciousness Awakens Through You

You are a receptacle of life. And, everything is a part of you and you of the totality. Universal life energy flows through you. Therefore, you are influencing and thus responsible for the universe. Does this sound like too much for you to handle? Well, this is happening in every moment, whether you accept being accountable for it or not. I do not wish to imply that you are to blame for what happens. Blame, judgment, fear, etc. are instruments of the mind. Furthermore, we are consciously moving beyond the limits of our conditioned behavior as we awaken to living consciously.


What this insight suggests is the sanctity of life within your state of being. This refers to your spiritual essence in the universe and has nothing to do with religion or science. Your active and consciously awakened participation, or lack of it, reflects how you observe and experience yourself in this universe. This is your responsibility to the universe and is not truly a liability per se. It indicates how unobstructed you can live when the mind no longer dominates the presence of your being. Continue reading


Heart Flow: Life Is Eternal and so Are You

Heart flow is a way to express the union of human consciousness with universal consciousness. Nevertheless, acknowledging, accepting, and allowing are prerequisites for this unification. How long have you been alive? Primarily, as a manifestation of life, you are ageless. Secondarily, as this object manifestation called you that comes and goes.  You are outside walking in nature. Suddenly, the fragrance of blossoming flowers fills the air. Something shifts in your state of being. You experience something that is much more than just the smell of flowers. Is this just your memory? Or, has your conscious essence awakened to the eternity of being?


Factors, such as memory and even conditioning, play a role in how we experience living. Still, we innately know that there is more to living. It is the space beyond mind that unites us with life. So, what does our heart flow tell us in a moment of awakening? We acknowledge living through the observation of object consciousness. But, who is observing this awakened moment? Universal consciousness. This is the essence of our being. Continue reading


Your Surroundings Do Not Define You

It seems so obvious. But, being what we truly are has become very difficult. Or has it? No, I am not trying to confuse you. Who are you? Just ask someone and they will tell you. Moreover, your immediate and extended surroundings are always influencing you. Truth be told, the majority of people don’t have any clear understanding what it essentially means to live.


But, how could we know? People, surroundings, and even our own mind want to dictate our internal nature. There is always more to you than meets the eye. Still, your eternal self has been buried under a huge collection of misguided assumptions and definitions. All of which are nothing but conditioned patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior. I can assure you that these are not really you. Then how do we experience our true inner self nature? Continue reading


Struggle and It Becomes Worse

There are rope knots that tighten when you pull. Sailors and cowboys use such knots. A knot used on a boat or for horses on a farm are examples. This is ideal for practical purposes. But what if you are in the process of consciously awakening. Well the more you listen to the mind and struggle means less awareness to consciousness.


Unfortunately, we still struggle against almost everything. Therefore, the mind-knots just keep getting tighter. Thus, there is no space to breathe or live. We grasp fur air and cling to mind-details. But we don’t truly breathe nor do we truly live. We scuffle along always trying to get more and be more. But more of what? There is not more enlightenment. There can only be consciousness. Not more consciousness. You are you. There cannot be more of you. Not more and not less in any given moment. Continue reading


Vendetta Against Me: But Why?

The world is against me. Everyone wants something from me. Why me? What have I done to deserve this conflict. Does this sound familiar? Perhaps you have heard such statements. Or said this yourself on occasion. Does it really seem that there is a vendetta against you? It does if you listen to the mind. This is what it is always telling you. And what it thinks will gain momentum when you listen.


Let’s look at this from both standpoints. These being mind and consciousness. There may very well be people that wish to cause you problems. Or even harm you. On the other hand, a situation has no intent to make you suffer. The circumstance may cause you pain. Either due to the experience, person or even self-inflected. Or you may suffer if something unfolds due to conditioned behavior in an unconscious state. Continue reading