Star Wars

3 posts

Doubt Nothing and Be Everything

How often does doubt influence your experience of life? But, isn’t living enough? Granted, this is a philosophical question. But, uneasiness caused by mind details contaminate the simple act of being. Doubt is (a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction and to fear and be afraid) as defined by the internet dictionary.  The mind tells us that living is very difficult and complex. Whereas, it is as easy as being and living. More importantly, it is helpful to acknowledge and accept life. Let’s say it this way. Either you are or you are not. Hence, this simplifies everything. You are and you know it through the awakening of object consciousness.



Nonetheless, a few mind-generated details do have a relative purpose. Still, the majority of thoughts, even emotions, are insignificant. We don’t need them to experience life; ultimately speaking. But, they are there and that is okay. Living in an awakened state does not mean to ignore or resist our thoughts. Instead, we can and should accept these mind activities. But, not over-dramatize and not become attached to them. This practice would be consciously beneficial to living in harmony with life. Continue reading


Flowing Energy Is Everywhere

Everything is energy and energy is everything. Einstein gave us a universal formula for energy. Likewise, individuals interested in physics, more precisely quantum physics, know the significance of flowing energy. Moreover, energy manifests through every object; living and also the so called non-living. It binds the universe…oops. Sorry, I almost quoted Yoda from Star Wars.


“In the standard Lambda-CDM model of cosmology, the total mass–energy of the universe contains 5% ordinary matter and energy, 27% dark matter and 68% of an unknown form of energy known as dark energy.”

The fact is that we cannot dismiss the ramifications of flowing energy in the universe. What would happen when we take away the illusion of solid matter? Universal energy remains preserved and continual. Hence, energy is transferable. It is absolute and ever-flowing. This is regardless of the forms through which it manifests. Continue reading


Energy and the Manifestation of Life

Everyone is familiar with Star Wars and The Force. The force is simply another name for energy. Therefore, we are a manifestation of this mysterious something. Life produces it or it produces life. Who knows for sure? However, we do not need to go into lengthy political, scientific or religious debates about what this energy represents; nor do we need to know where it originated. It is here and now. Furthermore, we are the living example of it.


Object forms of countless shapes and sizes manifest it. The brain and body would not survive without this life energy. Consciousness being a product of life would also not survive without it. This life energy field engulfs everything. The brain has become a type of portal and equally a barrier for consciousness. Consciousness is constant. However, the mind can manipulate and restrict it. Continue reading