
3 posts

Feelings and Thoughts Will Confuse You

Feelings and thoughts come and go. Or, do they? First, let’s be clear that your feelings and thoughts are not real. Yes, of course, these seem so real. But, there are not. Therefore, don’t attach your state of presence to feeling or thinking during the experience of one or the other. Feeling originates from the verb to feel and thinking is the process of considering or reasoning. (web dictionary)


Should we take this definition at face value? If yes, then why don’t we consciously experience empathy and aware presence more often? The act of feeling derives from personal experiences. These develop into behaviorism that reinforce thoughts and reactions and vise versa. Patterns of thinking develop and flourish in the same manner. Feelings are mind interpretations of our emotions.

Therefore, is it possible to express an emotion or thought without feeling or thinking about either? Yes, I’m diving deep into the philosophical rabbit hole with this statement. But, attachment to either is counterproductive during the process of conscious awakening. An emotion and a feeling first appear to be the same. So, hold onto your chair. The following insight will take you further down the rabbit hole. Continue reading


Habit or Human Nature?

What is a habit? Could we say that this is just a factor of human nature? This is debatable. Human nature is defined as: “Human nature refers to the distinguishing characteristics—including ways of thinking, feeling and acting—which humans tend to have naturally, independently of the influence of culture.” – Wikipedia


The first consideration in human nature lies in the statement “…which humans tend to have naturally”. Furthermore, expanding on this statement would involve considering the chain of factors leading up to what we call a habit. The “human nature=nature=laws of nature=physical laws=phenomenon” sequence is an almost never-ending chain of definitions. Moreover, I felt that this sequence was accurate to use after reading the information on Wikipedia. Therefore, we could consider this pattern a prelude to habitual behavior. Continue reading


Restrictions of Life and Love

Restrictions, of all types, overshadow our daily activities. You shouldn’t do this and you can’t do that. We think and believe in this way. Please understand that the mind is always in a thinking process. However, thoughts restrict our awareness to presence.

Furthermore, it is impossible to be present when you are concentrating on these thoughts and/or emotions. Naturally, you will still notice things around you. Nevertheless, these will only be in a tunnel vision range of attention; both physically and consciously. This type of awareness is not the same as being active in presence. Therefore, these restrictions are counter-productive to expansion of object consciousness. Furthermore, these mind restrictions will cause contamination in whatever manifests. Continue reading