
12 posts


Hope Without Worry

Hope changes everything. At least, this is what we are told. But, hoping for something is the same as expecting something. Thus, this expectancy causes attachment. And, attachment causes frustration, anxiety and worry. Therefore, these behavior patterns overwhelm most people that unconsciously live life from the mind. Additionally, the mind misleads us with continual distractions. This interference confuses us during daily experiences and on the path of our inner self-discovery. The mind uses our attachment to thoughts, feelings and worldly details to suppress conscious awareness. In other words, the mind stops us from being conscious of consciousness. Thankfully, the practice of aware presence within our state of being offers conscious enlightenment.


To unlearn what you have learned is a beneficial stepping stone. This suggests unlearning useless mind behavior that does not nurture your conscious self-awakening. Let’s consider how often you hope for something as an example of insignificant mind activity. Expectation is synonymous with hope. Therefore, please be honest with yourself in answering the following question. How often do you anticipate (want/expect) something? The need and expectancy for something continuously happens, regardless of a persons’ level of conscious awareness. The only difference between an unaware or consciously aware person is in their observation of the mind’s behavior. Any person has the potential to consciously awaken to a state of aware presence. Continue reading


The Stream of Life and What You Perceive

I remember a flowing stream from long ago. And, this stream played a significant role in my childhood. Furthermore, it is a beneficial focus point that I use during my ongoing conscious awakening. I grew up in a mountainous area. There were ponds, lakes and brooks everywhere. I explored such places and the nearby woodland during my childhood. Have you ever crossed a shallow mountain brook? This is where a person can experience real perception. Your level of awareness is very active during an attempt to cross a brook. Otherwise, a misperception or unaware assumption results in a wet foot or a cold bath in the water. 


Therefore, crossing a mountain stream gives us an opportunity to appreciate and practice aware presence. Likewise, this state of presence offers a chance to flow within universal consciousness. Thus, we realize our totality as both object and universal consciousness in such a moment. Continue reading

Washing Machine and Miracles so Real

The following is an example of energy manifestation and a washing machine. Many people are familiar with the law of attraction. This term is another way to say energy transformation.  So, please consider the experience I share below. Do you recall me writing about an accident to my shoulder several months ago? Well, something manifested after the accident that illustrates the flow of universal energy in our experiences. Furthermore, we have the ability to co-create within this flow. And, we are doing this each day whether we are aware of it or not. It was a delight for me to observe the unfolding of this experience after the mishap to my shoulder.


I returned home shortly after the accident. There I suddenly fell unconscious to the floor in the bathroom due to trauma shock to my shoulder. I regained consciousness roughly 15 minutes later. And, to my surprise, I had fallen with a strong momentum against the washing machine. The fall had not caused any injury to my body. Continue reading


Head on Straight and True

My uncle often told me to get my head on straight as a young teenager. Sometimes he said this with a strict voice. And, from time to time he told me this to make me laugh. I have grown with a deep appreciation for the wisdom found within this statement. Likewise, I recall pondering on the depth of this insight during my young adulthood. This idiom suggests for us to calmly observe our behavior in any given situation. Furthermore, live and act from a state of clarity.


Nevertheless, people experience much of life in a dysfunctional state of being. This is to say that a person’s head is not on straight (😊). The majority of people still use this moment as nothing more than a means to and end. The mind usually interlaces now with phantom thoughts and emotions of what will come or what has been. This tendency might very well be the major cause of our unconscious, thus abnormal behavior.

Yes, I use abnormal behavior as a synonym for our unaware (unconscious) state of being. Perhaps, the time has come for us to openly and clearly observe our state of affairs. We claim to be logical, intelligent and compassionate. However, our behavior indicates the exact opposite. Conscious presence is a necessity in our evolution. We have spent thousands of years in a type of darkness that continues due to mind obsessions. Continue reading

Theorist and Abstract Thinking

I was recently labeled a spiritual theorist that offers ideas and insight about conscious living that are abstract. A person with whom I regularly correspond wishes to discover the secrets to conscious awareness. Firstly, living in a state of unattached presence is not a secret. Furthermore, and therefore, no one has a magical wand that summons conscious living. One moment any given person is consciously aware. And, the next he or she is not aware. Our practice is to overcome temptations of the mind that can pull us back into the darkness of unconscious behavior.


She recently wrote that I base my writings on theories that are actually just projections of the mind. Her reaction was due to frustration. I suggested that she attempt to practice non-attachment in decisions relating to daily activities. I have never offered her any background stories of my experiences as a person. Therefore, the term theorist was the best explanation she had for my ideas and insight. The mind convinced her that I speak strictly from theory and not from experience. I share this with now to assure you that you, me and everyone experience all aspects of our human existence. It is not necessary to debate if any given person knows more or does more. Such categorizations only weaken conscious awareness. The act of being is universal to everyone and everything. Therefore, the unconditional acceptance of our beingness offers conscious enlightenment. Continue reading


Deliberate Steps to Conscious Living

Yes, the majority of people are still living from the mind. And, thoughts and emotions overshadow our life experience. Nevertheless, more and more people are aware that conscious evolution is blossoming. Coincidentally, this trending expansion allows deliberate and conscious responses to ago-old involuntary and unnecessary behavior patterns. Thus, the benefits to conscious awareness in our life experience become obvious. A state of conscious being offers clarity and calmness on the path of life. 


Nevertheless, humankind, as a whole, is still struggling due to mind detail interventions. Therefore, our experience of life still fluctuates constantly in a whirlwind of insignificant details that confuse and distract.

So why do people remain oblivious to the benefits of conscious awareness? We might, at first glance, ask if this unconscious behavior is intentional. However, and obviously, there is nothing deliberate about a state of unaware existence, except the unfamiliarity with conscious awareness. We can surely agree that a conditioned mind is manipulative and restrictive to conscious expansion. Thus, the majority of thoughts and emotions induce mental playbacks that do not benefit our experience of presence. Continue reading


Allow Life to Flow and Just Let Go

Count the number of situations for one day that you don’t like. The total number might surprise you. Your boss gives you a task that you do not like. There is a traffic jam on the highway that angers you. You must wait in a line to pay for your groceries. It seems impossible to simply allow and accept. So, the list of things you don’t like goes on and on. Still, from time to time, there is a moment when everything is just right. Then, at least for this brief interval, you are happy. Or, at least this is what the mind tells you.

But, true happiness and satisfaction never really come. Thus, dissatisfaction comes again one minute later. Why? Mainly because you attach yourself to any, and everything. And, you expect and demand. Instead of accept and appreciate. The majority of people do this daily at some level. On the other hand, how would any experience change when you just allow and receive whatever the situation holds?


Allow and acknowledge the isness of this moment. Trust me when I share with you that this is the simplest act of living life. All discomforts, barriers and suffering fade away. Hence, you discover a calm spaciousness during any thought, feeling or situation. Likewise, spaciousness and stillness are possible in any situation, regardless of the details. This is the feeling of coming home. This dimension is where the true self resides. Let’s reflect on this insight during the remainder of the article. Continue reading


Realize Your True Potential

Universal life energy vibrates every moment. Let’s cut through the Spiritual jargon’s and simply say energy vibrates.  And, there are many frequencies within this flow. Evolution and conditioning manipulate our observation of life. Thus, people misconstrue everything. Still, we sense these vibrations. And, these pulsations are constant. Also, we realize, at least vaguely, the potential within this energy.  Furthermore, these influence us and we influence the frequencies. But, it is difficult to stay consciously within the flow. This is because the mind still misinterprets or dismisses such conscious sensations. However, there is a beneficial stepping stone to conscious living. Acknowledge that you do not need the mind to live in a state of presence.


Nonetheless, the mind will forcefully continue to interfere with the unfolding of our life experience. Hence, the mind’s static discharges restrict the expansion of conscious energy. Unawareness to the isness of this moment causes a person to misunderstand the simple, unconditional act of living. Likewise, living in a state of awareness causes a person to readily accept the mind’s version of reality. Correspondingly, thoughts and emotions fuel the mind’s interpretation of life and living. Continue reading


Unconscious Living with a Dominate Mind

But what if this happens or what if that happens? Should I do this or shouldn’t I do that? Such thought behavior patterns are prevalent in daily activities. And, the eventual mind-reaction to most situations. The mind induces this conditioned reaction mechanism into our experiences. Whereas, an unconscious person has no influence over the mind. So, an unaware person accepts thoughts and feelings as reality. This happens even if the thought or feeling is harmful to the person’s state of being. Let’s consider the following questions. How do thoughts affect an unconscious person’s body and state of being? Likewise, do thoughts influence the vibrating energy of everything. On the other hand, does the energy output of a consciously aware person also stimulate how and what manifests?  


I can share a personal experience with you to clarify and illustrate these questions. A recent situation offered me clarity as I consciously observed my state of being. This allowed me to experience, first hand, the difference between thought influence or presence awareness. Cleaning is meditation for me. Hence, I enjoy it very much. The other day a moment of blissful freedom overcame me during the cleaning. (This blissfulness is always available for us. And, we can become more and more attuned to this energy vibration.) I share this with you as a call to action. Focus on such a moment when you are aware and let the feeling of presence engulf you. Continue reading


Dwell Within Life and Be Fully Alive

You live and then you cease to live. This is the simplicity of our existence. Therefore, we can say that you are now alive. Also, this seems logical and plausible. Basically, it is everything in a nutshell. Then why is it difficult to accept how life manifests in our existence? After all, believe it or not. You are responsible for how something unfolds. Or, at the least, you are responsible for how you observe something when it manifests. Are you consciously aware or unconsciously unaware? Do you dwell fully within life? This suggests living regardless of the form in which it manifests. Or are you a spiritless existence?


(Spiritless adj: Lacking energy or enthusiasm; listless. Lacking liveliness, charm, or surprise. I.e. “Complaining and anxious to suit your own thoughts, feelings, and opinions or those of others.”)

You are an object that experiences life. This means that you can mentally and self-consciously live life. Therefore, you will experience happiness, sadness, sickness, and death. However, this is not really you. The true you (universal self) is now manifesting through a temporary doorway called mind and body. Furthermore, what happens to this life-form does not define you. Unless you choose and allow it. This does not mean that you should resist what occurs. Rather, accept and dwell within everything because this nurtures conscious awareness. This suggests that simply living life is the grandest experience. Trust me, the sudden spaciousness and freedom within the acceptance of life will be awesome. Just let everything be. Continue reading