
16 posts


Life! Now Is the Time to Be You

Unawareness usually hides the beauty of life from us. Typically, we assume to be conscious throughout most of our activities. At least, this is what the mind tells us with countless thoughts and emotions. Thus, the mind uses a type of deception to convince us that we are conscious of living. This is not the actual truth. Our consciousness is a mind-made consciousness. And, this false sense of being restricts us. This is not the true consciousness of being alive.


Consciousness is awareness in a state of presence without attachment. Each person’s length and level of awareness varies. Still, the majority of people never really experience unconditional aware presence. And yet, these same individuals stand in the doorway of consciousness. But, they don’t acknowledge the significance of consciously living. Thus, most people cannot identify with the dimension of conscious beingness. Still, we often experience moments of aware presence.  Furthermore, instinctively we feel that an inner release (peaceful presence) is within our grasp. Then the world comes crashing down on us. Just as we were on the verge of letting go and jumping into the bliss of unconditionally living. Nevertheless, it is possible to realize the true essence of your beingness within aware presence. Continue reading

A Pattern of Deception and Your Role

You live in a tangled web of deception. And, no, I’m not writing about government, media or religious interventions. Nevertheless, this trickery happens to you every day and in more ways than you know. And, the mind is responsible for this dilemma. More accurately written, your unconscious reactions to mind behavior is similar to a snowball rolling down a hill. The snowball rolls faster with each turn and gathers more snow on the way. Likewise, a thought turns into another and another, ever faster and faster. And, what usually happens? Countless thoughts appear from nowhere and overwhelm you. Each thought is more complex than the last. This is a pattern that the majority of people experience each day.


So, how do you consciously move beyond this behavior pattern? You probably read about spirituality, enlightenment and bliss as you awakening to conscious living, such as this article. That is fine. However, please do not cling to stepping stones on your inner path as necessary in reaching conscious enlightenment. Continue reading

Day after day details of our existence distract us from the aware presence of our being.

Details and More Details of Our Existence

It is true that any individual cannot truly change the behavior of another person or the details of a situation. However, it is possible for each person to change his or her perspective in each moment. It is very difficult for the mind to accept any given moment at face value. Nevertheless, conscious enlightenment shines through when a person acknowledges the simply act of being in this moment. Your state of being is as it is and not as the mind tells us.

Life is more than the details of our existence.

The mind tells us stories and details constructed from memory, interpretation and expectation. But, usually nothing is as the mind tells us. Thus, the mind establishes a storybook of our existence. And, the pages of this book compile daily through unawareness to this mind behavior. A person that unconsciously lives carries a heavy burden. We carry personal and collective demands, expectancy and countless insignificant existence specifics that are completely insignificant. But, actually being and accepting our existence within the flow of life is different than what the mind tells us. Do you often feel fatigue, frustration and anxiety? This dooming darkness of calamity results from not consciously observing our relationship and partnership with the mind.  Thus, personal and collective baggage fills the minds colossal storybook. Continue reading

Think About Thoughts! Why should I?

I don’t want to think about it. You are probably familiar with this statement. However, saying or thinking these words will not stop the mind from thinking. Thoughts constantly bombard any given moment. Thus, thoughts pull an unaware person into a thinking process loop. And, the brain continues to think, regardless of what you do or want. Therefore, let’s use the sentence at the beginning of this paragraph as a gateway to conscious awakening.


Thoughts come and go. Consequently, you must not attach yourself to any thought or emotion. Consciously observe your relationship with the mind and thought repetitions. Otherwise, you will think that you are a thought. Awaken to the presence of being. Thus, you remain in a place that is beyond thoughts. Beingness becomes the focus of your observation. The portal to active conscious awareness opens more easily for you when thoughts become insignificant. Instead, you bask in a light of enlightenment that results from your non-attachment to the details of living. Mind conditioning and repetitious behavior patterns fade away as the conscious observer awakens more often in daily situations. Continue reading


Depression and Mind Repression

The world suffers from a state of global depression. I reflected on depression after a recent email correspondence. There are the medical aspects of depression. A person can experience unhappiness and anxiety due to biological factors that are genetic and chronic. Nevertheless, the majority of people experience self-inflected misery. This behavior irregularity undermines a person’s state of being. The assumption is that situations and people cause us despair and sadness. And, there is a tad of truth to this statement strictly from a practical viewpoint. Thus, most people are likely to believe themselves to be the thoughts in their head. A person will literally lose his or her true identity due to influences of the mind. 


Hence, depression results due to unconscious reactions in daily experiences. A disoriented person misinterprets thoughts and emotions as something that defines them. However, another person, a thing, a thought or situation cannot truly express your state of beingness. The expression of life that manifests through you is your responsibility.

Let’s use the following example to illustrate. There is an accident. You experience bodily harm. The ailment or injury is real. There is pain. Are you the pain that is felt in that moment? No, of course not. The pain is strictly of the body. Therefore, whether you have anxiety, frustration or suffer is your choice. Continue reading


Shut Up and Just Live

Be defiant in your approach to living life in a state of aware presence. Your mind always speaks to you, day and night. However, 99 percent of the mind’s dialog is useless and insignificant to fully living in this moment. Therefore, let your mind know that enough is enough. Tell your mind, straightaway, to shut up so that you can experience living life, firsthand. This exercise might seem silly. Therefore, I suggest that you review everything that you can remember that the mind told you today. Then, ask yourself what is more ridiculous. You telling the mind to shut up and stop interfering with your experience of life. Or, is it sillier to continue listen, believing and reacting to everything the mind tells you?


Please consider these questions deeply and consciously before you disregarding it for nonsense. The exercise is a practice that allows a clear observation of the mind’s activities. Nevertheless, the mind will first continue to insert dominance over you through a train of never-ending thoughts. Thus, the bottom line is for you to recognize that the majority of thoughts are unnecessary. You don’t need these as much as the mind tells you. Therefore, let thoughts come and go. And, on occasion tell your mind to shut up. Continue reading


Self-dissatisfaction Is Only About You

Everyone is familiar with how dissatisfaction feels. But, what causes this dissatisfaction? Self-dissatisfaction causes annoying behavior such as frustration, sadness and anxiety. Is there actually a difference between one type of dissatisfaction or the other? Perhaps, the mind attempts to exactly label and define these behavior characteristics. Nevertheless, there is ultimately no differentiation.


Let’s view self-dissatisfaction has a core imbalance within you. This dissatisfaction smothers like hot underground lava building up pressure before an eruption. This is the outcome of any discontentment that might surface during thoughts, emotions and experiences. Each person, and not external influences, are either the cause or cure for any annoyance. You probably don’t want to consider this as a possible truth. Nevertheless, it all comes down to you and your observation of living life.

A fire of self-dissatisfaction consumes an unaware person. This dilemma is due to a lack of conscious awareness to the universality of being.  Forget religion, beliefs, science and superstitions. There is nothing religious, magical, mystical or scientific about being and the oneness of life. Yes, the mind conjures thousands of possibilities in an attempt to explain your existence and living. Nonetheless, why do you insist on defining or clarifying the act of being? Isn’t it enough to simply be alive? Continue reading

Do You Live in the Suchness of Now?

Have we forgotten how to live? Sound ridicules? This question is not as crazy as you think. Why do we insist on avoiding the suchness of life? We overlook the simplicity that is at the foundation of life and love. Complexity is the name of the game in our world. So, we make the endeavors associated with interpreting and defining life and love our priorities. But, just living and loving have become secondary in our life experiences. We are usually busy doing something or asking questions about everything. Thus, we see the beauty and true significance of being here and now as trivial. This same pattern of misunderstanding is evident in matters of the heart, such as love. We insist on pursuing our love interpretations and expectations, instead of just pure and simple loving.


The awakening of self-consciousness was wonderful and equally burdening. Mind development overshadowed this awakening. Thus, conditioned behavior became the foundation of our existence through the intervention of the mind. And, many of these patterns still contaminate a modern existence that is relatively simplistic. Consequently, and ultimately, the suchness of life is undeniable. And yet, we usually want life to be anything other than what it is now. Nevertheless, perhaps a conscious evolution is upon us. More and more people are consciously aware.  There is always the suchness (Tathātā, Buddhism) of now. Therefore, living within presence frees us from the concepts of the mind. Not by avoiding the mind. But, rather by accepting thoughts, emotions and situations as temporary. Continue reading


Realize Your True Potential

Universal life energy vibrates every moment. Let’s cut through the Spiritual jargon’s and simply say energy vibrates.  And, there are many frequencies within this flow. Evolution and conditioning manipulate our observation of life. Thus, people misconstrue everything. Still, we sense these vibrations. And, these pulsations are constant. Also, we realize, at least vaguely, the potential within this energy.  Furthermore, these influence us and we influence the frequencies. But, it is difficult to stay consciously within the flow. This is because the mind still misinterprets or dismisses such conscious sensations. However, there is a beneficial stepping stone to conscious living. Acknowledge that you do not need the mind to live in a state of presence.


Nonetheless, the mind will forcefully continue to interfere with the unfolding of our life experience. Hence, the mind’s static discharges restrict the expansion of conscious energy. Unawareness to the isness of this moment causes a person to misunderstand the simple, unconditional act of living. Likewise, living in a state of awareness causes a person to readily accept the mind’s version of reality. Correspondingly, thoughts and emotions fuel the mind’s interpretation of life and living. Continue reading


Anxieties Crawling Near and I Am Afraid

Thoughts and emotions overwhelm you. You are tense and fearful. But, strangely, you are sitting under a tree in the sunshine at that moment. Therefore, your anxiety is about something that might happen, could happen, or should happen. So, this fear is a mind illusion. Not real. But, it seems so real. Memories and thought patterns attempt to invoke a non-real scenario onto this moment. Everything was wonderful. But, somehow crawling anxieties of the mind manipulate your sense of being.


This reaction is similar to seeing a huge threatening spider crawling toward you. You are unaware of anything else except this supposed threat. This unawareness of the mind causes you to react instead of respond to a situation. Realize that there is a difference between react or respond.

Can you recall such an experience? It, referring back to something ominous crawling toward you, can interrupt your state of presence. This manipulates and can even restrict a person from experiencing the spaciousness within presence.  Mind behavior generally initiates a sequence of reactions within an unconscious person. And, an unaware person is oblivious to mind activities. Continue reading