
9 posts

Confusion Abounds When the Mind Is Astray

The mind constantly inflects confusion, anxiety, and fear upon us. Why? You might ask. And, the mind insists, why not? This behavior is due to a limbo state of living life. It is quite easy for the mind to overwhelm us when we are unaware. Can we consciously move beyond the mind? Yes, with practice. This means not allowing any mind-generated restrictions and manipulations to interrupt the flow of universal energy. What can we practice to nurture the flow of this energy? Focus on living here and now. Acknowledge the spaciousness between thoughts, emotions and situations. Universal energy flows. So, practice living for the ride and not the destination.


Our fear and confusion occur primarily from non-acceptance. We don’t want to accept this moment. And, this nonacceptance causes us to live life in a constant state of dissatisfaction. At least, this is what the mind tells us. Nevertheless, everyone experiences conscious awareness at some level. And, many times, our focus is on aware presence. But, then the mind intervenes. The mind tells us that thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow are more important than now. Continue reading


Your Thoughts About Life Mean Nothing

We define life through interpretations of our existence and the details surrounding any situation. So, what does this really mean in the tapestry of life? It means nothing. What does our understanding of life and love really mean? You guessed it. It means nothing. Please don’t misinterpret. Yes, life and love seem to mean something from a relative and practical perspective. Nevertheless, be honest with yourself. Your thoughts and feelings about life and love keep you on a roller coaster. Today you are happy about life. But, tomorrow life sucks. You soar high in love this moment. However, an hour later you claim that love stinks and is only for the lucky people.  


Therefore, our interpretations, assumptions and labels mean nothing. All mind structures change according to the wants and demands of a given person or collective group of people. Thus, subsequently, and quite strangely, we determine life and love according to thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Do you see the irony of this behavior? Let me clarify. What you think about life is not truly living life. Likewise, what you feel about love is not the same as simply loving. We don’t experience life as it is this moment. Instead, we experience it as we think it is, or should be, in any given situation. But, we can’t determine the essence of life or love, generally speaking, through the use of any mind conceptions.

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Unconscious Living with a Dominate Mind

But what if this happens or what if that happens? Should I do this or shouldn’t I do that? Such thought behavior patterns are prevalent in daily activities. And, the eventual mind-reaction to most situations. The mind induces this conditioned reaction mechanism into our experiences. Whereas, an unconscious person has no influence over the mind. So, an unaware person accepts thoughts and feelings as reality. This happens even if the thought or feeling is harmful to the person’s state of being. Let’s consider the following questions. How do thoughts affect an unconscious person’s body and state of being? Likewise, do thoughts influence the vibrating energy of everything. On the other hand, does the energy output of a consciously aware person also stimulate how and what manifests?  


I can share a personal experience with you to clarify and illustrate these questions. A recent situation offered me clarity as I consciously observed my state of being. This allowed me to experience, first hand, the difference between thought influence or presence awareness. Cleaning is meditation for me. Hence, I enjoy it very much. The other day a moment of blissful freedom overcame me during the cleaning. (This blissfulness is always available for us. And, we can become more and more attuned to this energy vibration.) I share this with you as a call to action. Focus on such a moment when you are aware and let the feeling of presence engulf you. Continue reading

Satan in Disguise While Baking Bread Rolls

Does the word Satan cause you anxiety or fear? Relax, everything is fine. This is only a word. And, just like everything, we experience the word based on conditioned thoughts and emotions. So, what is this devil that everyone fears? Satan is a symbol of fear, evil, and corruptions. As well as, anything considered bad and deceitful. Hebrew scriptures and documents from before 300 BCE often use this word (root word s‘tn). The word is a derivative of the Hebrew verb satan. The original meaning meant to oppose. The Christian church used the Hebrew Scriptures Greek translation of the word. They translated satan as diaboloc from which we derive our English term devil and diabolic. (source:


So, our understanding of the universe implies that the devil is the root of all evil. These thoughts and beliefs are equal to the countless stories of a God or gods. A devil is the opposing force to all that is good. Thus, we entertain ourselves with God and devil misconceptions and labels. We superimpose these into our daily experiences. Love a God and fear the devil are typical dogmas throughout the world. And yet, there is also a certain type of fascination about the devil. But, so what? We tell similar stories and make comparable assumptions about many of our experiences throughout history. Human beings have an acute imagination and fantasy primarily based on creativity, fascination, and fear. Continue reading


Assumptions Restrict the Universal Flow of Life

Life and love are very simplistic and pure. Life needs no validation through assumptions or beliefs. Love can equally only be truly fulfilling when felt in its purity, without conceptual definition or restriction. There is naturally a basic pattern of unity that derives from a species individual and collective development. This does not however explain how we feel what a plant feels or what an animal feels. There are two factors to consider in the discussion of empathy.


The first factor, as the first definition of empathy states, is a state of imaginative projection. This is naturally possible for a species such as our own. This may result from the developed field of creative intelligence and our emotions. We place behavior and emotions definition labels on objects and other living forms to explain everything for our own purposes. The second factor is very significant. This is the field of oneness. This is much more than just projecting a subjective state of being into another form, animate or inanimate. Continue reading

Ghosts of the Mind: Don’t Let Them Haunt You


There are ghosts. But they are only of the mind. But be careful. They will possess you.  This will cloud the clarity of consciousness. A mind clouded by thoughts and emotions will also concede quickly to the influence of other minds. This results from conditioned imprints. Consciousness is vulnerable to the trickery of these mind-created impressions.



The unconscious behavior of another person can also cause these apparitions. Mind-conditioning summons these ghosts. And they thrive in the realm of unconsciousness. This can happen in any given situation. These phantoms of the mind seem to always be lurking in the shadows of an unaware person. Continue reading


Ambush of the Mind: Know the Signs

A few people have written to me about a quote from Alan Watts relating to muddy water. Firstly, it is beneficial to remember that words and things are vulnerable to assumptions and interpretations. This acknowledgment can be helpful in conscious expansion. However, the mind will ambush us in any and every moment. This is our conditioning. We are usually not aware of the mind’s intervention. Therefore, we remain a victim of its deception. This can happen during an unconscious reaction to any word, thought, person or situation. Here is the quote.

“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.”
– Alan Watts


You can read this insight in his book “The Way of Zen” He shared wisdom that originates from universal intelligence. We can also tap into it in any moment. Yet, the mind interferes. This compels us to analyze and dissect. It is wise to leave the muddy water of life undisturbed (in peace). It does not suggest that we should avoid or deny something. The mud, as a term, could signify the details of our existence. He originally wrote this to indicate that society judge’s meditation and passiveness as wasteful and non-productive. Continue reading

Answers but What if There Are None?

We constantly switch back and forth between asking questions and expecting answers. Furthermore, it is in our natural to be curious. This is what we do and have always done. We ask questions and we search for answers. People, this is to say, the personal and collective mind are there to tell us stories and illusions.


Therefore, we usually seek answers based on our experiences. However, many are based solely on assumptions, thoughts and beliefs. Consequently, these cause conditioned behavior to develop. Hence, questions and answers are often fabrications that transpire throughout the tapestry of our experiences. These are the result of traits such as creativity, thoughts, emotions and ego. Furthermore, these traits; among others, are contributing factors in our relentless need to ask questions and expect a reaction. However, this usually originates in the mind and has nothing to do with living in a state of presence. Continue reading

Expectations: What Do You Want?

Expectations are based on thoughts and emotions. These are, in other words, products of the mind. This determines how we react to a situation. However, an expectation depends on clock time to exist. It can only thrive when you are not aware of living in presence. The acknowledgement of this moment will render an expectation obsolete. Nevertheless, it is still possible to desire something and even focus on its manifestation without the expectations. This probably sounds somewhat confusing. Please allow me to continue.


The mind is occupied with memories, assumptions and beliefs associated with a non-existent past or an equally non existent future. Therefore, we seem to remain separate from this moment. It is a means to an end in our attempt to reach the next moment. Expectations or fear usually cause this type of conditioned behavior. Continue reading