
4 posts


Corruption or Purification? It Is Your Decision

The mind overwhelms us with wants and demands. Moreover, it has become a victim of its own demise. The mind experiences a corruption of its own making. The need for more is always in the background of our activities. We want more. But why? Perhaps evolutionary development and conditioning are two main factors.


You may first ask what is this mind corruption? Well, let’s look at it as a type of de-evolution. Or, the term devolved is also accurate. So, what does this mean? We were once very conscious and pure before the mind began to dominate our experiences. We basically lived as the plants and animals live and die. Then along came mental development and self-consciousness. Conditioned thought and behavior patterns developed in the mind. The mind became clever and egoistic. Suddenly, it was not enough just to live. We experienced contamination of the mind. Life could no longer simply flow. This resulting in a type of unbalance and disharmony. And, the mind thrives on the energy vibrations caused by this imbalance.  And the mind always needs more.

But our awareness of presence, however, has become distracted by this mind corruption. This trend would suggest that we are living a lie. We use trivialities, such as technology, materialistic objects, and misguided thought intentions to define, structure, and dominate our existence. Continue reading


Process of Awakening Consciousness

I will be sharing personal experiences on an ongoing basis that reflect the process of awakened awareness to consciousness. Many people, perhaps all people, are aware of consciousness at a given level. However, it is not necessary to categorize how conscious you or any other person is in this moment.


The realization of being conscious is enough. This will allow an expansion of the portal to the vastness that is becoming conscious. Moreover, there is a balance, harmony and spaciousness that will automatically occur. It is amazing to experience the process of this natural development. It will become very obvious that everything is happening without you really needing to do anything. Continue reading

Expectations: What Do You Want?

Expectations are based on thoughts and emotions. These are, in other words, products of the mind. This determines how we react to a situation. However, an expectation depends on clock time to exist. It can only thrive when you are not aware of living in presence. The acknowledgement of this moment will render an expectation obsolete. Nevertheless, it is still possible to desire something and even focus on its manifestation without the expectations. This probably sounds somewhat confusing. Please allow me to continue.


The mind is occupied with memories, assumptions and beliefs associated with a non-existent past or an equally non existent future. Therefore, we seem to remain separate from this moment. It is a means to an end in our attempt to reach the next moment. Expectations or fear usually cause this type of conditioned behavior. Continue reading

A Day Filled with Miracles: Part Two

Do Miracles happen every day? Moreover, what is a miracle? We automatically associate a miracle with religion, a deity or some other supernatural power. Google Search offers this definition.

“Miracle: A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.”



We have convinced ourselves; through lack of explainable definitions, that a miracle originates from a good greater than ours. What if it is nothing more than life manifesting itself through a given object? Furthermore, what if a proclaimed miracle has neither motive nor a purpose? What if it is just a result of life flowing naturally? Here again human beings have superimposed a form definition unto an occurrence that is perhaps nothing more than the flow of energy. Continue reading