
3 posts


Try Your Best or Maybe Not

It is important to understand that achieving all that the universe has to offer us means exactly what it implies. You are not here to determine what is best for yourself and what is not. Although, everyone tells you to try your best. And, the mind assures you that what you want is what you should get. However, this is not exactly true. Yes, many ideas and wishes can and will come true. That’s because these are co-creations that originate in a state of aware presence and not from illusions of the mind.


We may believe that the fulfillment of certain goals come from hard work, determination, or even luck. But, this also is not completely true. Of course, these endeavors may contribute to the achievement of existence activities. But, they are not actually the deciding factors in fulfillment and inner peace. Continue reading

Feelings and Thoughts Will Confuse You

Feelings and thoughts come and go. Or, do they? First, let’s be clear that your feelings and thoughts are not real. Yes, of course, these seem so real. But, there are not. Therefore, don’t attach your state of presence to feeling or thinking during the experience of one or the other. Feeling originates from the verb to feel and thinking is the process of considering or reasoning. (web dictionary)


Should we take this definition at face value? If yes, then why don’t we consciously experience empathy and aware presence more often? The act of feeling derives from personal experiences. These develop into behaviorism that reinforce thoughts and reactions and vise versa. Patterns of thinking develop and flourish in the same manner. Feelings are mind interpretations of our emotions.

Therefore, is it possible to express an emotion or thought without feeling or thinking about either? Yes, I’m diving deep into the philosophical rabbit hole with this statement. But, attachment to either is counterproductive during the process of conscious awakening. An emotion and a feeling first appear to be the same. So, hold onto your chair. The following insight will take you further down the rabbit hole. Continue reading


Spiritual Evolution Is the Next Step

The words in this title describe the awakening of a person to the possibilities of life beyond the mind. Thus, spiritual transformation is a term that we often use for this shift. What happens to a person during this process? Does the person actually change? Or, does this person simply and deeply awaken to the true act of being alive?


There is a belief among most people that knowing the meaning of our existence is vital to living. Thus, primary one question dominates our existence. Obviously, we ask. What is the purpose of our existence? But, this question and the need to know is the root of much confusion, fear and judgement. However, what if we consider this question from the perspective of mind to conscious living transformation? Continue reading