
16 posts

What Will the Creator Create Today?

A creator is someone who brings something into being. You are the creator of love. Moreover, how you experience the totality of life and how it unfolds is your responsibility. This is ultimately true for everything and how any given object or experience will manifest. Silence, awareness, and consciousness offer endless possibilities that can flow from the dimension of life energy. However, love and life remain a mystery and poets, storytellers, and dreamers will continue to ask the question. What is this wonderful and often bewildering experience?


Firstly, one significant realization is to acknowledge that you exist in love, and life engulfs your being. Therefore, walk each moment hand in hand with life and do not stray from this path. Thus, each step along the way reveals conscious enlightenment. And, both love and life itself are only as true or as real as you choose. Continue reading

A Roller Coaster Ride Called Life

We call love and life a roller coaster ride, but why? Why do we expect difficulties when we love? This behavior is synonymous with other reactions to basically any experience in life. It would seem that we want everything to be intricate. And, this upside-down relationship with the mind has developed during our evolution. However, don’t let this servitude behavior hold you captive. Robin Sharma wrote the following in his book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny. Robin Sharma suggests that the mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.


Let’s reflect on probable implications of this insight. A person in balance with the mind, body and and inner self will experience a harmonious relationship with life. Thus, loving and living can be a blissful roller coaster ride. And, contrary to Robin Sharma’s suggestion. Our affiliation with the mind does not necessarily prescribe one as the master and the other as a servant. Please remember that the oneness of life that we communicate through written and spoken gestures is not just a word. It is the totality in a flow of unmanifested and manifested energy. Naturally, this includes the frequency generated as love.

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Desiderata Because Life is about You

Are you familiar with the writings of Max Ehrmann? He wrote the poem Desiderata in 1927. I wrote an article with topics relating to this poem several years ago.  A person, at that time, reminded me of the poem during a conversation about our experiences in high school.


It is obvious that materialistic merits and always getting more is the focus of most people. But, this results in, among other things, always wanting more and more. This means that enough is never enough. Furthermore, wanting and needing causes people to feel isolated and alone. However, we are beings of the universe. Therefore, our presence portraits a universal beingness. Thus, the universe becomes conscious of itself through us. Nevertheless, we have forgotten our essence. Thus, gone down a path that distracts us from consciously observing each step on this journey.  

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The Insignificance of Our Thoughts

Terms such as self, human, or being are actually irrelevant. They ultimately mean nothing. These are only definitions and labels that our creative mind fabricates to categorize what we insist on interpreting. This is part of the evolutionary course of our mental development. We live from the mind. And, this is what we do. This does not mean that it is good, bad, right, or wrong. I am spelling this out with the hope of awakening an awareness in you that is beyond the mind. Acknowledge that there is an insignificance within your mind activities. This does not necessarily mean that we should not do what we do. We are human beings; what we do is part of existing as this person now.


Nevertheless, have you ever heard the statement: Being in the world but not of it? The Bible and many other writings dating back thousands of years share this wise insight. This is basically saying that we are now human beings in this world. It is okay to accept this form, but we do not need to be only this form with all its behaviors and tendencies. It is possible, through the level of our species’ consciousness, to witness the mind development (dilemma) that we impose onto the true conscious self. Continue reading

Theorist and Abstract Thinking

I was recently labeled a spiritual theorist that offers ideas and insight about conscious living that are abstract. A person with whom I regularly correspond wishes to discover the secrets to conscious awareness. Firstly, living in a state of unattached presence is not a secret. Furthermore, and therefore, no one has a magical wand that summons conscious living. One moment any given person is consciously aware. And, the next he or she is not aware. Our practice is to overcome temptations of the mind that can pull us back into the darkness of unconscious behavior.


She recently wrote that I base my writings on theories that are actually just projections of the mind. Her reaction was due to frustration. I suggested that she attempt to practice non-attachment in decisions relating to daily activities. I have never offered her any background stories of my experiences as a person. Therefore, the term theorist was the best explanation she had for my ideas and insight. The mind convinced her that I speak strictly from theory and not from experience. I share this with now to assure you that you, me and everyone experience all aspects of our human existence. It is not necessary to debate if any given person knows more or does more. Such categorizations only weaken conscious awareness. The act of being is universal to everyone and everything. Therefore, the unconditional acceptance of our beingness offers conscious enlightenment. Continue reading

A Phrase that Offers Clarity

What is all the hype about enlightenment and spirituality? Everyone wants in on this spectacular feeling. Thus, more and more people search for a way out of a mundane existence. Nevertheless, a thought, person or situation does not miraculously change because of enlightenment. Let’s refer to the following insight from a Zen Buddhism phrase to illustrate.

“Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.”


This phrase is a fundamental stepping stone for anyone on his or her inner journey. Please focus on the act of being, regardless of any detail within this state of beingness. I realize sharing this insight with you is repetitive. Nevertheless, a shift from mind to conscious living is a process that also involves relearning how to observe living life. Equally, how you observe yourself in any given moment offers either conscious clarity or continual mind slavery. Therefore, it is beneficial for us to walk the path of self-discovery with only the essentials in our backpack. Your conscious awakening during the inner journey does not need any extra baggage such as assuming, judging, labeling or searching. Continue reading


Deliberate Steps to Conscious Living

Yes, the majority of people are still living from the mind. And, thoughts and emotions overshadow our life experience. Nevertheless, more and more people are aware that conscious evolution is blossoming. Coincidentally, this trending expansion allows deliberate and conscious responses to ago-old involuntary and unnecessary behavior patterns. Thus, the benefits to conscious awareness in our life experience become obvious. A state of conscious being offers clarity and calmness on the path of life. 


Nevertheless, humankind, as a whole, is still struggling due to mind detail interventions. Therefore, our experience of life still fluctuates constantly in a whirlwind of insignificant details that confuse and distract.

So why do people remain oblivious to the benefits of conscious awareness? We might, at first glance, ask if this unconscious behavior is intentional. However, and obviously, there is nothing deliberate about a state of unaware existence, except the unfamiliarity with conscious awareness. We can surely agree that a conditioned mind is manipulative and restrictive to conscious expansion. Thus, the majority of thoughts and emotions induce mental playbacks that do not benefit our experience of presence. Continue reading

Eating Grapes and Living Life

I invite you to share my breakfast adventure as I discover an additionally stepping stone to conscious living. Grapes are great! I should have a t-shirt printed with this statement 😊. Eating grapes is a daily delight for me, either fresh or as raisins. But, not necessarily as wine 😉. Do you like grapes? You might wish to grab a few grapes to eat as I share an experience this morning from my kitchen. Are you aware that white grapes are easier than red to pick and clean? The red grape stubbornly hangs on the plant stem during picking and also when you clean it.


Imagine, if you will, your eagerness to eat some grapes, perhaps with yogurt, cereal or honey. However, it is best to wash the grapes before eating them. Not a problem. Right? Well, this experience, as with all life experiences, offers us a lesson in conscious living. And, this became evident to me as I washed and removed the grape stems this morning. I choose red grapes today for my eating delight at breakfast. Consequently, as mentioned above, the red grapes held firmly attached to the stems. But, I was eager to eat. Continue reading


The Mountaintop Is Your True Home

Acknowledge that you live on a mountaintop. Let’s reflect on this insight before the mind contaminates the scenery with too many thoughts. You stand with your face to the sun. Furthermore, the sun is always shining at the top of the mountain. A breeze caresses your face.


Occasionally birds fly about and visit you. They sing a song of life and living. It seems you are alone here on the mountaintop. However, you are never truly alone. You emerge in pure presence. Thus, you sense the energy pulsations of the earth, the universe and life. Living in pure presence nurtures unity. Thus, separation and loneliness are abstracts of the mind.

Presence offers bliss. Therefore, time and matter have no ultimate significance. These are only details of a temporary existence. There is a path before you. The trail leads to the valley below.  And yes, you travel, on occasion, to the valley in your thoughts and actions. Nevertheless, no detail within the valley compares to the sheer rapture of living in the presence of your being. Continue reading


An Inquiry into Being in Love

Being in love gives us joy. This love and affection can be to a person, a thing or even self-love. Love is marvelous and, at times, equally perplexing. This is fine. However, this reference is not necessarily about physical or emotional love. Instead, our inquiry is into the totality of love.


Therefore, let’s take the first step into this inquiry through the realization that love is energy. This energy attaches itself to either our mental or emotional center of focus. But, please understand that love is always present, as is true for all universal energy.  Have you experienced a moment when all judgments, doubts, anxiety and fear were at a minimum? What did you feel? Was it something that you cannot truly express in mere words? Would it be appropriate to describe this state of being as a blissful experience? The sensation you experience in such a moment is possible through the natural flow of universal energy. The blissfulness you experience is possible because you are going with the flow. Continue reading