Dalai Lama

3 posts


Alive: That’s What It Is All About

You are alive. It’s great! Isn’t it? Or, do we sometime forget that it is wonderful? This article is a follow up to our discussion about enlightenment. You live. Moreover, it is possible for you to be aware; to be conscious; at least sometimes. You know this because you smell the flowers, you laugh and you feel pain. Your memory recalls sights and smells. These are part of our human experience. Still, each and every encounter is also an enlightened experience.


It is best to emphasize again and again that spiritual awakening has nothing to do with reaching a divine state. Rather, it is the acknowledgement that every moment is about accepting life’s divinity. Otherwise, a person may spend an entire existence trying to find the secret of living. The act of being alive is the manifestation of life. This is not something that you define, plan or expect. It is simply about being that which manifests. Continue reading

Loving to Live and Living to Love

There is something to consider about unconditional love from the level of human existence. It is important to differentiate between our species interpretations of it and its actual source. Loving unconditionally may be possible when we base our existence from within life consciousness and not species consciousness. However, there seems to be a need to use a belief, religion, and or deity to obtain true unconditional love. Must we really nurture mental illusions based on assumptions, beliefs and even science to experience it unconditional?


A key to experiencing unconditional love is in the total acceptance of it.  We should not expect that it conforms to our species demands and desires. An object-based love is usually conditional. It will remain this way until we are willing to step outside of the mind-imposed boundaries. We have always attempted to instill these existence boundaries on life. This could explain why we have mostly remained in a state of conflict throughout our existence; both personally and collectively. The conflict is only within us. Conflict does not come from the universe or life. We and only we are responsible for this conflict. We often take loving and living for granted. Continue reading

Breath of Life: You are Alive

Breathe in slowly and breathe out even slower. What are you experiencing? We feel life in each breath. However, let’s focus on more than just the biological ramifications. We know that the body is an organism that must have oxygen to exist.


However, the breath you take also entails the flow of life within it. This, in turn, provides the basis for object consciousness to awaken. Thereupon, the portal to universal consciousness opens. Your state of presence allows passage. Continue reading