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Honorable Intentions can Offer Clarity in Life

It is not easy to be honorable in a world that seems so unfair. Situations initiate memories and conditioned behavior. Fear is one, among many, thoughts and emotions that overshadow our life experience.  Thought density obscures the vast clarity found within presence. Nonetheless, consciousness via presence is available in each moment. However, the mind details of any given moment obstruct conscious clarity. Thus, the mind convinces us that we are our thoughts. Accordingly, we project our state of being onto specific thoughts and mind details.


The mind dominates and reacts. And, the mind bases reactions solely on conditioning. Thus, the mind basically contaminates the purity and clarity of presence.  A person can feel the nature flow of life manifesting through the body and all objects. We could say that this, in its essence, allows us to respond to life in an honorable manner. This is the natural harmony between an object and life. But, we have temporarily forgotten. Continue reading