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Feel Bad? You Think It Is Real. But It Is Not

Do you often feel bad about a situation, person or even yourself? Feeling bad is of the mind, nothing more…nothing less. How consciously awake are you? Most likely, you realize that the mind thinks this way and that. However, this does not mean that what the mind thinks is real. Yes, it feels real. But, it’s not. You experience a mind projection. This is the mind jumping to conclusions. Thus, an unconscious person, experiences a mind-induced reaction. Moreover, this thought is temporary. Acknowledge this fact and take a further conscious step to living in a state of non-attachment. Thought activity is nothing more than time-based memory. We can call these anxiety phantoms. Still and foremost, remember that these are temporary. Thoughts and feelings come and go.


Now, and literally now, recognize that you are not your thoughts. Nor will you ever be your thoughts. However, you might try this and still feel bad. Trust the awakening process. Thoughts and feelings will pass. Bad is the same as good. You feel it because you unconsciously choose to experience one or the other. And, yes, you always have a choice. Continue reading