
2 posts

Labeling Love Causes Us to Forget Loving

We started to define our experiences after reaching a given level of self-consciousness. Labeling life and love became a necessity based solely on unconscious conditioned behavior. Love, among other characteristics, became an obsession. It captured our desires and fantasies. Most likely we then became confused, anxious, and fearful of it. However, stubbornly we continually interpret it, define it, and then at some point redefine it. This clearly indicates that the detail content of love overwhelms us. Thus, we have difficulty in doing the obvious. To love unconditionally and to receive love unconditionally.


This is in reference to the mind’s relentless insistence on complicating life and love. Both are simplistic in their essence. However, we insist on labeling both with countless interpretations. We build intricate assumptions and belief structures to validate our existence. Nevertheless, our deep desire is to openly love and care and to receive love and care. But often doubt and fear overwhelm us. So we depend on the mind to tell us about life and love. Do we wish to continue this mind servitude? Or are we willing to let go and live and love in harmony with ourselves, others, and the universe? Continue reading


Ambush of the Mind: Know the Signs

A few people have written to me about a quote from Alan Watts relating to muddy water. Firstly, it is beneficial to remember that words and things are vulnerable to assumptions and interpretations. This acknowledgment can be helpful in conscious expansion. However, the mind will ambush us in any and every moment. This is our conditioning. We are usually not aware of the mind’s intervention. Therefore, we remain a victim of its deception. This can happen during an unconscious reaction to any word, thought, person or situation. Here is the quote.

“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.”
– Alan Watts


You can read this insight in his book “The Way of Zen” He shared wisdom that originates from universal intelligence. We can also tap into it in any moment. Yet, the mind interferes. This compels us to analyze and dissect. It is wise to leave the muddy water of life undisturbed (in peace). It does not suggest that we should avoid or deny something. The mud, as a term, could signify the details of our existence. He originally wrote this to indicate that society judge’s meditation and passiveness as wasteful and non-productive. Continue reading