
5 posts


The Mountaintop Is Your True Home

Acknowledge that you live on a mountaintop. Let’s reflect on this insight before the mind contaminates the scenery with too many thoughts. You stand with your face to the sun. Furthermore, the sun is always shining at the top of the mountain. A breeze caresses your face.


Occasionally birds fly about and visit you. They sing a song of life and living. It seems you are alone here on the mountaintop. However, you are never truly alone. You emerge in pure presence. Thus, you sense the energy pulsations of the earth, the universe and life. Living in pure presence nurtures unity. Thus, separation and loneliness are abstracts of the mind.

Presence offers bliss. Therefore, time and matter have no ultimate significance. These are only details of a temporary existence. There is a path before you. The trail leads to the valley below.  And yes, you travel, on occasion, to the valley in your thoughts and actions. Nevertheless, no detail within the valley compares to the sheer rapture of living in the presence of your being. Continue reading


Oneself Is not Alone nor Afraid nor Forgotten

Aloneness. We reflected on this topic from time to time. Still, there are many people that write me about feeling lonely and being alone. So, let’s take another look at loneliness. It is wise to first determine if you are truly lonely. Or, do you think you are alone only because the mind tells you to be lonely. Firstly, understand that oneself is in reference to one (reflexive form). Philosophically or spiritually we can say that this is the one self.


Accordingly, let’s start with this question. Are you lonely? Likely, you will immediately react with various answers that supposedly validate your loneliness. So, step back from these thoughts of lonesomeness. Acknowledge that what you think is just the mind in a repetitious cycle. The simple acknowledgement that you are the observer of these thoughts benefit conscious awareness, thus your state of being. But, whether you impersonate the mind and act out its drama as a puppet is your choice. Continue reading


Loneliness Is Only a Word but You Are so Much More

Linda De Vrieze wrote the following article. I have known Linda for several years. We share ideas and insight relating to the process of awakening to consciousness. Linda expresses the core essence of loneliness. Furthermore, it is possible for each and every person to tap into this solitary dimension of one. Linda Shares the following insight.


“There is a quote, it says Being alone has a power only a few can handle. I would like to paraphrase and expand on this insight. “Being alone has a power yes, and many are too afraid to connect to themselves and to go deep within. Many confuse being alone with something or someone that is missing. But, the opposite is true. Being alone means connected to ALL that you are, complete and whole. There is no lacking no missing. Being alone is your natural state of being. Continue reading


Alone Among Billions of People

Do you feel alone? Does this often occur? It is likely that you take this very personal and equally serious. It is probable that you think this loneliness is only happening to you in that moment. Well, it may comfort you to know that there are billions of people that think they are lonely. However, let’s emphasis the word think because it is a mind-conditioned illusion.


Let’s break this down into two statements for discussion purpose.

 1. You are alone. (person-oriented)

2. You are never alone. (energy/spiritual-oriented)

An incidence of loneliness and despair occurs because the majority of people want to be lonely. Yes, you have read this correctly. Loneliness is a choice. Furthermore, it is one of many mind games that you either play or not. It is basically just thoughts and emotions. Additionally, it is possible that fundamental behavior and social structures contribute to our seclusion. Nonetheless, these factors are strictly based on human nature. The mind is very convincing. It insists that others must accept and love you. Continue reading


I Am so Lonely

How many times have you or someone you know said this sentence? I am so lonely or I don’t want to be alone. There is a world of people who are together, but unfortunately separated and alone. What is loneliness? Is it possible to be lonely or is it only a state of mind? The mind is constantly confronting us with conditioned factors that can restrict us from living consciously.


Furthermore, it is a baffling topic to discuss. There are many forlorn people who have become deeply depressed, even suicidal. How can thoughts push us to the brink of despair? Is loneliness real or a phantom of the mind? Does this result due to a lack of awareness? Or would this make the discussion too easy? Loneliness can develop into mental disorders. However, it can solely result from misconceptions of the mind. Continue reading