
4 posts


Realize Consciousness and Know the Mind

How do you regard the title of this article? Firstly, please recognize that the words are only and always just words. I often refer to words, symbols, thoughts and emotions as signposts or stepping stones to our inner universe. So, attempt to visualize the title statement as a stepping stone. And, with practice, you acknowledge the insignificance of the words or detail, other than as stepping stones. This is a step-by-step pathway. Thus, our state of presence shifts more and more to conscious awareness with each step. Likewise, every situation or moment offers the potential to realize the endless depth of our inner journey. This is the path of self-discovery beyond mind limitation.


Therefore, to know something is to perceive or understand what you experience now. We can illustrate this in the following insight. Be aware of awareness and know you are aware. Hence, you realize consciousness in its essence. Additionally, conscious realization benefits the relationship between you and the mind. Suddenly you observe the mind work efficiently without any interference to your aware state of being. Consequently, you will experience thoughts and emotions for what they are and nothing more. Henceforth, the spaciousness of conscious presence becomes your permanent home. You will still experience everything. But, conscious living allows clarity, balance and harmony to thrive. Continue reading

Limitations Are Mostly of the Mind

Who sets the limits within our life experience? Are evolution characteristics responsible for the restrictions we encounter? Do personal, family, and social structures inhibit how we live? We can answer all of the above with a definite “maybe 😊”. However, limitations result mostly from mind set conclusions and conditioned behavior. 


Nevertheless, there is another consideration. An inquiry into our conscious awareness is of true significance in the process of awakening to consciousness. Who is responsible for consciously observing the aspects of your existence? Naturally, you, as the observer of all that unfolds. So, there will be situations that might first seem restrictive. But, a conscious observer chooses non-attachment and stillness. Thus, there are no limitations. This suggests that conscious awareness encourages a state of being that is beyond the mind. Continue reading

Is Happiness the Key to Life? Are You Chasing It?

I recently received an email from someone. The topic and questions within this email related to happiness and lack of it in daily experiences. Please deeply reflect on your understanding of happiness before you continue reading. What does this word mean to you? Are you looking for contentment but think it is hard to find? Do you expect to find happiness through a materialistic object or a relationship with someone or something? The very act of searching and expecting will result in unhappiness.


This type of mindset is toxic. Such behavior restricts object consciousness and ultimately, universal consciousness. This person wrote in the email that it is impossible to change someone. And, the email continue with this statement. However, it is possible to change yourself to make other people happy. Please reread these sentences and consider your own experiences. Are you unknowingly trying to make others happy? Continue reading

Awareness Nurtures Conscious Living

It is each and every person’s choice to change or not. Are you ready? You only need to let go. Acceptance is the key. It may be very beneficial for us to focus on the flow of life. This, in turn, would open the portal to presence. What is holding us back? Generally, most people believe that deeper consciousness is only reachable through hard work and sacrifice. Still, there are others that think it is unreachable. It is an individual and collective mindset that cause these assumptions. A deeper level of consciousness often instills images of magical powers and or lengthy meditation practices. It is the over-active story-teller within the mind that conjures up these illusions. Whereas, it will gladly portray a universe of illusion and impossibilities. Realistically there are two stepping stones that can initiation deeper awareness.


The first is not really a step. It is the awakening to the limitless simplicity of consciousness. Thus, we will experience true presence. This awakening process often involves different levels. Every person will experience various stages at different intervals. There is no right or wrong in the process. But, it is beneficial to acknowledge that the process has begun. What follows the initial awakening? This is usually based on a shift in how a person observes his or her thinking. A change in perception/focus will develop as a person actively remains within the awakening process. Continue reading