
3 posts


Puzzle Pieces to Conscious Awakening

This article is lesson 3 in our contemplation of the conscious awakening process. You have become aware of the difference between mind and consciousness. Otherwise, you would not be reading this article and thus questioning the mind-made details of your existence. The puzzle pieces are falling into place. You are now aware of this mind-made puzzle. Nevertheless, the mind can still obscure our conscious observation. However, this is changing with each experience that expands your object consciousness.


Life and love are an ongoing sharing experience. Furthermore, the expansion of object consciousness is allowing us to experience more and more unmanifested space. This is a profound realization for us to reconnect with our essence. Moreover, we are observing our existence in a state of awareness. Therefore, we are recognizing how and why something manifests. You feel the puzzle pieces falling into place naturally. Additionally, we become conscious to our influence on everything. It is very empowering to become aware of how the pieces of this process fall into place. Continue reading

Trust the Universe and Trust Yourself

This is the second article relating to the process of conscious awakening. Do you trust yourself? This is to say; are you confident that what you sense is true? The personal experience that I am sharing suggests that I was not fully conscious. Furthermore, this uncertainty, although short-lived in this example, clearly restricted the naturally flow of life energy.


However, please allow me to share the experience before I continue. I went with a friend to eat lunch yesterday. He picked out the restaurant because it was his idea to eat. The meal was refreshing (salad and fish). We had several conversations varying from work related issues to human behavior and evolution. It was eventually time for us to leave. I had asked him, during the drive to the restaurant, if we could stop at a furniture store on the way home. Continue reading


Process of Awakening Consciousness

I will be sharing personal experiences on an ongoing basis that reflect the process of awakened awareness to consciousness. Many people, perhaps all people, are aware of consciousness at a given level. However, it is not necessary to categorize how conscious you or any other person is in this moment.


The realization of being conscious is enough. This will allow an expansion of the portal to the vastness that is becoming conscious. Moreover, there is a balance, harmony and spaciousness that will automatically occur. It is amazing to experience the process of this natural development. It will become very obvious that everything is happening without you really needing to do anything. Continue reading