
3 posts


Ambush of the Mind: Know the Signs

A few people have written to me about a quote from Alan Watts relating to muddy water. Firstly, it is beneficial to remember that words and things are vulnerable to assumptions and interpretations. This acknowledgment can be helpful in conscious expansion. However, the mind will ambush us in any and every moment. This is our conditioning. We are usually not aware of the mind’s intervention. Therefore, we remain a victim of its deception. This can happen during an unconscious reaction to any word, thought, person or situation. Here is the quote.

“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.”
– Alan Watts


You can read this insight in his book “The Way of Zen” He shared wisdom that originates from universal intelligence. We can also tap into it in any moment. Yet, the mind interferes. This compels us to analyze and dissect. It is wise to leave the muddy water of life undisturbed (in peace). It does not suggest that we should avoid or deny something. The mud, as a term, could signify the details of our existence. He originally wrote this to indicate that society judge’s meditation and passiveness as wasteful and non-productive. Continue reading


Wisdom of Life is Felt through Being

I hope that you are well and enjoying a wonderful day. The wisdom beyond Eckhart Tolle’s insight is profound because being (existence) is the manifestation of life. Therefore, to truly live means that we should feel it. It pulsates through everything.

Being must be felt. It can’t be thought.
– Eckhart Tolle

You cannot use conventional concepts, whether spoken or written, to express the simple act of being.  These can, at best, serve as pointers or sign posts. However, our focus should be on what is beyond these stepping stones and pathways. Furthermore, beyond the mind is the universal intelligence that offers wisdom that is an innate part of our being.

I wish to share a few plans, wishes and hopes with you. I am rebuilding my website step by step and have decided that patience and non-attachment are wise for me to use in its construction; relating to design layout, pages and material to share. Additionally, my wish is to offer an oasis that will provide articles, videos, quotes and links relating to spirituality, philosophy, psychology and personal growth. Continue reading


The End Justifies the Means

The end justifies the means. Most people are familiar with this quote. It originated in chapter XVIII of The Prince by Niccolo` Machiavelli. However, the original text read “Si Guarda al fine”. Pay attention to the result would be a fairly accurate translation. Nonetheless, this excerpt does not really have any correlation with the popular quote.


However, this quote does have insight that is helpful in our conscious awakening process. Therefore, let’s say “All experiences lead to this moment; or do they?” Several months ago I had noticed a subtle interference in my state of active awareness to the present moment. Here I must smile slightly at this terminology. It is much easier to say that I had been distracted. I reflectively considered the core of this interference. It was possible for me to determine that this had originated due to a phase of dissatisfaction. I had been pondering over past situations in areas of education, career and love. What started this phase of self- destructive contemplation? Continue reading