
3 posts

Discover the Path to All Possibilities

Usually, the mind bases our daily activities on routine and repetition. But why? Is everything really so tedious? The mind triumphantly says yes, it is all so mundane. Furthermore, the mind insists that this is normal because living life is dull. The mind is capable of many feats. But, pure creativity is not necessarily a mind creation. In fact, it is likely that the mind just hit the emergency brake. The mind will tell you that I am crazy for making such a statement. Nonetheless, I suggest that you continue reading and simply let the mind babble on. Remember, never take the mind too seriously. Thus, you discover that living life is so much more than the thoughts about living life.


Creativity is a blossoming flower that originate within the silence between thoughts. It is in this stillness that the process of conscious awakening occurs. This acknowledgement offers a beneficial sign post on our inner journey. We can call this silence the unmanifested energy of consciousness. Or let’s simply use the expression conscious awareness for our discussion purposes. This is a haven of calmness in the midst of any mind-made storm. So, how do we discover this vastness?  Life, love, and all that is creative are here between words, between thoughts, and even between emotions.
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Spider Web and Dangling Thoughts

When does something become a routine?  When does this routine become conditioned behavior? Daily activities tend to become routines. This is unavoidable. But, then again almost anything can become a pattern of repetition. This could be things that we physically and mentally do. A clearer understanding of the latter is significant for awakening to consciousness. The mind becomes a spider web. And unconscious behavior patterns have entangled us. Still, a routine or conditioned behavior can really only be detrimental if we remain unconscious.


Yes, on the flip side, it is beneficial to be aware of a conditioned behavior. But, your relationship with the mind decides how you will live. Moreover, your awareness to this relationship is primary. Thus, what you think or do is secondary. Do you consciously or unconsciously do or think something? “Living oblivious to living is still typical for most people.” Please pause and reflect on the previous sentence. There is a sign post there beyond the words. Operant conditioning is the basis for the interaction with ourselves, the world, universe, and life. Operant (also known as instrumental conditioning) is similar to classical conditioning. Both restrict conscious awareness during our experiences. Continue reading


Habit or Human Nature?

What is a habit? Could we say that this is just a factor of human nature? This is debatable. Human nature is defined as: “Human nature refers to the distinguishing characteristics—including ways of thinking, feeling and acting—which humans tend to have naturally, independently of the influence of culture.” – Wikipedia


The first consideration in human nature lies in the statement “…which humans tend to have naturally”. Furthermore, expanding on this statement would involve considering the chain of factors leading up to what we call a habit. The “human nature=nature=laws of nature=physical laws=phenomenon” sequence is an almost never-ending chain of definitions. Moreover, I felt that this sequence was accurate to use after reading the information on Wikipedia. Therefore, we could consider this pattern a prelude to habitual behavior. Continue reading