
6 posts


Monism Is at the Essence of All Duality

Please, if possible, glance slowly and deliberately at any given object in your immediate surroundings. What do you see? It may be a chair, table, or a picture on the wall. You are essentially a part of anything you observe. Furthermore, each and every object is of one state of being. And, the marvelous mystery of oneness manifests in all shapes and sizes. This is too much for the mind, strictly mentally speaking, to comprehend. Thus, the mind interprets monism as dualism. The mind does this in an attempt to define and categorize.


“There is a thing inherent and natural, which existed before heaven and earth. Motionless and fathomless, it stands alone and never changes; it pervades everywhere and never becomes exhausted. It may be regarded as the Mother of the Universe. I do not know its name. If I am forced to give it a name, I call it Tao, and I name it as supreme.”
– Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Nevertheless, the mind is naturally a part of this mysterious oneness. And, this creates a paradox. Hence, the mind over-compensates the simplicity of monism. Therefore, it is very difficult for a person to disregard thoughts and feelings that invoke separation. The presence of oneness that manifests through all objects is there within each heartbeat and within each breath. This is the nature of beingness and the isness of living. It is a vibrating flow of energy. Continue reading


Live Aware Within the Frequency of Life

Many people may believe that consciousness is not possible without the mind. What do you think about this idea? (Yes, that was a trick question.) It would be more accurate to ask: What does the mind think of this idea? The brain is a biological organ. This is, in many ways, an entity in itself. Then there is consciousness. Consciousness at some level has perhaps always had a frequency of presence about it. Consciousness is a source of perpetual possibilities for any life-form that has become aware of it. Therefore, let’s focus on consciousness. Why we always associate object consciousness with the mind is not important for our discussion.


The significance lies in the knowledge that there is the brain and there is also consciousness. The mind exists and consciousness equally exists, whether in a more self-consciously developed life-form or not. Both the mind and consciousness are there even without one knowing about the other. The two are, however, intertwined. This is true whether a life-form is aware of consciousness or not. Although a butterfly is not actually mentally aware of consciousness, it swims in a frequency of energy within a field of object and universal consciousness. This holds true for everything, doesn’t it? We can conclude that although the two appear to be separate as two entities, they are actually one. Continue reading

Body, Mind, and Your Belief in Believing

Body and mind seem to be one, and they relate to each other on levels that few people are able to comprehend. We have been shown so much from the moment we are born. We have been told and taught by example what is right and wrong. This has caused the body to accept what the mind has told it. Is this really how life should be?


Do you often experience confusion, anxiety, and fear? Please realize that you are much more than what the mind has conditioned you to think or believe. Having a belief or believing in something has no substantial significance in life. But it seems to take on significance and meaning in our existence. This, though, does not validate it as being necessary. Life does not need to believe in something. Life is entirely indifferent to believing or not believing. Traditional thinking tells us that you must first believe in something, and then you must have faith in it. Otherwise, something will not happen nor will you get something unless you believe. However, believing in a belief does not validate its authenticity.

Furthermore, we are to accept this type of behavior as the one and only path to use when wishing for something to manifest. It does seem that we can associate better with the term believing, but only, when used strictly in human context. Conditioning causes us to accept that a belief (believing) is necessary before we can receive something. Continue reading


Sunshine and Life Shine from Within

“The sunshine and life that you are looking for out there is in you. Metaphorically speaking.  So, let it shine!” The sun rises and sets and it often seems that we are a puppet dancing on a string called time. However, you can cut the strings. Furthermore, you are the co-creator of all you experience. The foremost question to ask in each moment would be what you will create now.


Sunshine is something to enjoy.
It is energy of a source that is everywhere.
We can experience it every moment;
It is there each day and in every way.
But, don’t look for it. Rather, feel it
You may now say okay, but the sun is not there every moment.
Surely it is not there every day.
What should I do?
Where is the sun on a cloudy day?
Don’t despair, it is there.
Do you feel it?
The warmth is so intense.
It is a flowing, vibrating frequency.
It is here now and will be here tomorrow.
Be active, be aware, and feel what is always there.
Continue reading

Sharing Everything: The Whole Shebang

It is all about sharing. Isn’t it? I ask this question in reference to life. Everyone may have a different understanding of what life represents. Still, an object exists. Therefore, it has the potential to live. Hence, everything is sharing this energy; as with all objects and species, great or small.  I tend to feel that even a totally lifeless form is alive at a molecular level. The reason for this is that life is a universal vibration. It is to say that the universal totality is sharing energy. Thus, Life resonates through living and non-living forms.


Likewise, this vibrating impulse is constant. Nevertheless, it is susceptible to fluctuations. This is due to object output vibrations; whether from thought, consciousness or any other forms of output. A given reality, for example, takes on a portrait derived from your thoughts. Therefore, it seems so real. Hence, each person can; by process of individual and shared thoughts, manifest different realities. These are based on the given projected energy fluctuation; whether personal or collective. Moreover, the energy output is often two-fold. This being either mind or consciousness. We are still unsure if these are different or one and the same. Continue reading


Energy: The Sunshine of Life

What is life energy? Where does it come from? We may never know. It is a mystery that the mind can never comprehend. This poem is about sunshine. Furthermore, it is about you, me and sharing the gift of life.



I enjoy the sunshine
How about you?
However, its true significance is often forgotten.
Do you remember?
It is possible to experience it now; in this moment.
This is because you have always known that it is there.
It is life.
Awaken and allow it to shine. Continue reading