
3 posts

Symbolizing Life Restricts Actually Living Life

It is true that any individual cannot truly change the behavior of a person or the details of a situation. However, it is possible for each person to change his or her perspective in each moment. It is very difficult for the mind to accept what happens in any given moment. The key is to realize that each person determines the outcome of his or her life experience. This unfolds simply through the observe of living. I cannot write or say the following often enough. Your relationship with the mind is capable of changing everything. Not the mind itself, but simply through your aware relationship with it. This determines how you interact with the mind. And, how you observe the mind, yourself and any situation regulates the consequence (flow) of any thought, feeling or manifestation.


On the other hand, symbolizing details of your experiences, other than for basic practical use, restricts aware presence. Thus, the manifestation of presence flows in parallel with our energy output that is either conscious or unconscious. Likewise, we use symbolization to create illusions of living and loving. offers us the following in reference to symbolic representation. Symbolization is the unconscious mental representation of one thing by another. Therefore, use of a symbol is also an attempt to resolve assumptions, questions and interpretations of how we live. Symbolizing structures our life experience so that it is more familiar and recognizable in accordance with a thought or feeling. Continue reading


Synchronicity and Acceptance of Life

Synchronicity. We often use this word in spirituality topics. Therefore, let’s start this conversation with definition examples to consider.

  • The simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
  • An apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are causally unrelated.


Additionally, harmony, peace and accord are several synonyms for synchronicity. Therefore, let’s express the acceptance of any given moment as a manifesting flow of harmony. And, this is a plausible explanation for random experiences that seem to fall into place. Acceptance of what is, offers spaciousness and inner peace. Thus, you are in accord with yourself, the universe and life. However, confusion often arises as a result of mental and emotional interference. The mind insists that you can only experience harmony when everything unfolds in accordance with your wishes or wants. Consequently, imagine what happens when you don’t get what you desire or want. You complain and you blame everyone and everything for causing a lack of harmony in any given situation. Continue reading


Harmony Is at the Foundation of Beingness

We all want peace. Don’t we? This desire lies deep down at the root of our essence. Harmony and unity are within the universal blueprint. The essence of stillness is Synchronicity. Let’s call this ground zero or simply a state of being. Therefore, an inquiry into the underlying nature of this universal vibration is consciously beneficial in our life experience. Still, this topic is perplexing to the mind. Thus, please use the following insight as an exercise in conscious awareness beyond the mind.


It is unlikely that life or consciousness implores universal objects to find peacefulness. However, a simple state being automatically generates a universal blissful rhythm. Then along comes countless objects forms that also produce vibrations at different levels. I can understand if you choose to debate this insight. After all, conditioning causes the mind to resist simplicity. Of course, there are many viewpoints and perspectives that reflect a person’s mind-made code of conduct. But, let’s focus on that magical something beyond mind details. Non-manifested stillness is at the core of your being. This is inner peace.

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